Giving away 100,000 Satoshis to the first 200 likes/follows!
Why can't you see Pole Star from Argentina?
Horizon in the way, and no south pole star
Like this memo, reply and follow for 20,000 sats, even if you already follow!
Happy Birthday to me 🎉🎈🎊🎁
April 29 🌏✌️🤙
I'm noob. What's wrong here? 3k tx = 1Mb block. 6bl/h x24h x32Mb = 5k
mistake is recorded for hstory now haha
Number of likes decreasing. Used to be 2x posts.
because people prefer to reply now
You say yes, I say
Reply fees a little low. They will confirm next BU block. Fixing.
Memo now supports replies!
Chinese users like tipping 666 satoshis to say "the post is cool"
8500sat to Emiperez..tippin tues @realDonaldTrump to top up ur Memo!
@MorningWoodElves 8500 satoshis! So many tips! So bigly! Tipping Tuesday!
Memo update released - improved 0-conf handling and added password caching
I've added and block explorers to Electron Cash!
BCH up 18%. Core, < 1%. Sounds like someones got a case of the Mondays
Added cashaddr & QR codes. Also fixed UTF-8 characters. Things are moving!
how can we help to
Bitcoin Cash smashes through $20b market cap again!! Yeah!!!
New instance performing much better :)