
Joined Apr 17, 2018

Txapela buruan eta ibili munduan.

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replied 1846d
I kept months without tokens until 10 days ago. So, now that I'm not a virgin anymore, I'll try to enjoy the SLP way of life.
replied 2096d
You are right. I thought I had a backup of the pvt key but I'm not able to find it. And I'm afraid that I had the same passw in the wallet. Let's hope it appears some day.
replied 2096d
I can from here with a like/tip but I didn't want to have multiple accounts in Memo. If I don't find the backup of the pvt key I'll have to do this.
replied 2098d
I'm logged in, the memo cookies are forever. In this case I don't get the point of asking the old passw, I can even export the pvt key. I need a new passw to access from a new pc.
2098d · memo
Is there any way to change my password if I forgot the old one?
replied 2110d
I've been thinking of that too. Knowing what users are the most muted ones might be a very useful information.
replied 2110d
There might be a way of storing it on chain by encrypting it first with your public key. This way it would work in every client you used.
2355d · Flat Earth
I love this one:
but it's funny only when you understand spanish: "Flat Earth Society. With members all around the GLOBE"
My intuition says that LTC tx amount is manipulated to show more than BCH, because it usually grows after a BCH tx amount peak
replied 2361d
2361d · Stress Test Game: Guess the largest block!
replied 2361d
replied 2370d
Why does global warming deserve to be criticized? Does any serious, professional and reproducible research refute it?
replied 2370d
Why do you think that these experiments do not prove it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experimental_evolution#Bacteria
replied 2370d
No, this is not 1980. This is actually 1616.
replied 2370d
On what should people base their knowledge?
replied 2370d
2372d · TxStreet.com
I think that it would be good if the buses had a number on them. When you scroll to the left it will difficult to know how many buses are full.
replied 2374d
There are some. They are inactive though: https://memo.cash/topics?s=span
replied 2375d
En Fri Mand
I created it. AMA.
replied 2376d
Testing txBlaster2
replied 2376d
Testing txBlaster2
2381d · Linux
I've been using Linux in the last 20 years. First try with Redhat, later Mandrake. SuSE was my birthday gift for some years, then Ubuntu and in the last 5 years I've only run Debian in my machines.
replied 2382d
En Fri Mand
He ask many questions to create doubts in the listener. But what makes me sure that he is deceiving is that after years repeating the same lies, he already knows the answers.
replied 2382d
En Fri Mand
I think he just enjoys fooling people:
. To me he is a clear example of a modern charlatan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlatan