They just twist concept of perspective to excuse model's fails
use stellarium to check this:
sorry, I missunderstood you, Dash, I thought you were FE-r :P
All based in maths and science FE-rs deny
A idiacracy that built the internet and BCH u are using now.
I say the opposite. LN is a model that doesn't work. BCH does.
You can question, but show a model that works. FE just doesn't
We build sats that track hurricanes, broadcst tv, allow comunic.
with round earth model we predict tides, sunsets, sun rises.
No Dash. It's a model that let us predict many things.
Cryptoflat said among other lies: "No computers in 1969"
He enjoys fooling us. He is a charlatan 3.0.
Cryptoflat hasn't been lied. He know he lies. Check his memos
The earth is a shit. Perspective changes its smell.
Somebody is trying to DoS my website xD
Suggestion: use "prev|next" also in profile pages.
If I didn’t want it to feel good when u did it I'd have added spikes- FSM
I'm noob. What's wrong here? 3k tx = 1Mb block. 6bl/h x24h x32Mb = 5k
You can see hidden emojis of this memo on the blockexplorer 👍 💛
Test with unicode characters: 👍 💛 💬
Every word has a bad meaning in some language. Memo does in Spanish.
3000 memo-actions in the last 24 hours.