Hi! I'm a 22 year old Software Engineering Intern and Web Developer. I fully support the use of Bitcoin Cash as a global, decentralized currency for EVERYONE.
The last couple of days have been a challenge, but I am working hard on new designs. Lots of new stuff added, lots of new items coming. Really enjoy this. I think I need to do it more! http://www.bchbrand.com
Your website is looking much better since the last time I checked. Keep up the great work mate.
If you have an iPhone (I know most of you probably not) you should download the app. It is 1 guy and is working so hard and doing a fantastic job check it out BITWORTH
the real roger is https://memo.cash/profile/1HLULEeaeygPEXurq6zwFq2DSXNSKUayUa
Haha thanks, I already do follow him! I probably wasn't very awake when I posted that, I just used the verify feature in memo++ (thanks @modulus) so that it won't happen again! 👍
Even though BCH fees are so low being a fraction of a cent, I want them to be even lower. The team are working hard to reduce them even further. Will keep you updated.
Great to hear Roger! Thanks for all your hard work.
At the end of the day, it's entirely Pewds choice if he wants to give it away. People acting like dickheads towards him, even after he's already tipped millions, is a bit harsh. :/
Phones are pretty advanced and widespread nowadays. Wallets can not just contain cash, but debit or credit cards. If you happen to have just exited your car, they may take that too.
And you'd like to add your Bitcoin Cash onto that as well? 'I'm going to take your car, your cash, empty your bank and oh I see you have Bitcoin Cash, I'll take that too'.
For someone to get my wallet out of my pocket, they would have to hope I am rich, and then proceed to mug me. If I wore this, they could first check how rich I am, then decide.
Just in a practical sense, I can get the same QR code from just unlocking my phone. If I didnt have my phone with me, I'd maybe print off my QR code and stick it in my actual wallet.