
Joined Jun 28, 2018

I'm a dolphin.

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2403d · Capitalism
conservatives don't understand how fun being naked can be
2403d · Capitalism
I don't think being naked on Mars is physically comfortable. ~_~
2403d · Capitalism
That doesn't mean we can't be naked on Mars. I have a dream that all inhabitants on Mars will abandon the clothed orthodoxy.
2403d · Capitalism
I agree but instead of AI I prefer emergent market-driven intelligence. Political centralization is too dangerous. Bad record of famines and mass murder.
2403d · Capitalism
@minkaminka That is partially true... but there are also consequences to putting your kids through the ringer that is the Chinese state school system
2403d · Capitalism
Suicides are everywhere. I don't understand it. Living is amazing. @_@
2403d · Capitalism
Martian dream is nice and all but prolly wont be that comfortable within our lifetime. I still like earth ALOT. =D Need trees and greens and bodies of water to jump into. NAKED.
2403d · Capitalism
So, this has been a system implemented for like hundreds of years, send locals out to gain information and come back. This helps enrich the country ultimately. So thats why the propaganda.
2403d · Capitalism
Chinese concept of making tons of money and send kids out is so ignorant. What they don't see is the cultural shock, and the depression of their kids that follows. Its whats propagated
2403d · Capitalism
@kokansei the commoner Chinese dream. China is plush with resources, great land, and countless people power to draw upon for any project. It's an amazing place for builders.
2403d · Capitalism
I'm like... a Memo Buddha. LOL
2403d · Capitalism
@DSC I believe in free speech which is why I'm here. I'm just making comments on observations. I see both sides and it's gains and faults.
2403d · Capitalism
@exrement what? China sents its people OUT. is what i mean. Other countries want to receive them IN, cuz they buy up so much mindless luxury crap
2403d · Capitalism
@kokansei Maybe, mainly cuz I see the rapid implementation of laws here in China. It's like always overnight, random massive changes and widely implemented. Is it good, not sure, effective yes.
2403d · Capitalism
@kokasei agree. If its power abused it's never good.
2403d · Capitalism
@DSC standard of living is low because the populous hasn't seen anything better, which is why gov is trying to promote tourism aggressively. They want to send its people out to see more
2403d · Capitalism
@kokasei if gov hated bitcoin it would never surface. So many ways to really just cut down it's popularity cuz we are still living in centralized systems atm
2403d · Capitalism
@kokansei Yes, I recommend AI-Human paring. like in Chessplay
2403d · Capitalism
I agree the game is rigged in the US, just not in the way the Berniebros think.
2403d · Capitalism
lack of awareness produces ignorance and idiocy. This is across the board and a human trait. We can't even help it.
2403d · Capitalism
I can't say humans are very aware at all. Hard to pull oneself back and observe your state of being NOW, which will ultimately be different 2 years from now or 2 years back. So lack of awareness
2403d · Capitalism
Imagine negative propaganda penetrating the populous, this can be extremely dangerous because humans have tendency to be lazy thinkers. You need centralized systems to manage this data.
2403d · Capitalism
Memo would never work in China. I'm in the Blockchain Industry and there are a few companies doing content blockchain, there's no longevity so I didn't invest.
2403d · Capitalism
For sure. Is censorship all bad. I have to say no. Somethings should be censored because humans gravitate to negativity much more readily than positivity.
2403d · Capitalism
China is also one of the safest peaceful places. General leadership is going in the right direction. Poverty level in China is 2%. America 20%. I can dive into why, but memo is too short.