Just showed SungKim from NEOframe Korean exchange Memo.cash. He was quite impressed. Having morning coffee with industry people is the best way to start my day. Looking forward to many more!
Genaro Network is the world's first dual strata architecture platform, combining storage layer with stable chain. Fast, secure, and reliable for Dapp Developers.
Wake up and breath really deep 5 times... or do a sun salutation yoga style. Breathing will amp your brainwaves and feed the frequency. Breathing is like eating for the brain!
China is saying no to foreign trash and going to enforce smart trash segregation for cities. This is a great move, and sometimes brute force works well. Population needs to be more mindful of how they trash!
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU). News +
Our minds create everything. So, it's good to take a little time at the beginning of our day to just think. It doesn't have to be something big, just start with a feeling. The manifestation of beauty, humor, intrigue.