Collagen comes from abalone... and then bottled and mixed with fruit juices. So then this is sold to women who think it will make their skin glow..but it goes down as protein so I don't know how effective it all is.
Learning how to code through Strikingly founder on my couch watching the game. Coding and changing things instantly makes me feel like a God. I get the appeal.
&t=37s Hey guys this is my first orginal video within the blockchain realm. I have three more coming out with very key people. Hope you enjoy it! Share please! Thank you!
We build better systems for these reasons; to prolong this "Long peace" we so enjoy, and to build better relationships with loved ones. In the future no one needs to suffer in a job for sustainability.
VOYAGER: when captain Janeway had to save Cess from some alien temple, and went through various arduous bizarre alien religious tasks to resurrect Cess from the dead.
Through this talk I am inspired to think about Proof of Stake, and the state of blockchain mining philosophies. Maybe helpful towards developers working on POS-philosophies
My mother likes to play a very dangerous game sometimes, it's called the disappearing act. However, it's not funny when you are past 60. So, mom, please call home, and run your credit cards so we can track you. >_<
Women select men. That makes them nature, because nature is what selects. And you can say "Well it's only symbolic", it's like no, it's not just symbolic. The woman is the gatekeeper to reproductive success.-JP
What is your friend: the things you know, or the things you don't know. First of all, there are a lot more things you don't know. And second, the things you don't know is the birthplace of all your new knowledge!-JP
One day a week, eat a tableful of green leafy veggies. They cook down to just two plates generally but eat as much green leafy veggies to feel full. Next day you will feel great.