
Joined Jun 28, 2018

I'm a dolphin.

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2412d · Liberty
Like we all accepted that the internet was broken yet we still use it today and everyday. *shrug*
2412d · Liberty
Thought: We are born with sets of acceptance of the world, whether good or cruel, because we are born not KNOWING better. once educated, we can MAYBE make some decision, but most willingly accept.
2412d · Capitalism
Reason why I say that, is inspired off of AIDS drug inventions. One guy figured out an HIV cocktail that worked from innovative time release, which was never done in medicine before. Using Time.
2412d · Capitalism
I think all society could benefit from all systems if implemented with time duration, like go capitalism in beginning, then socialist, followed by euphoric communism once abundant enough.
2412d · Capitalism
In terms of creation, there's two types. There's true creation: 0 to 1, then synthetic, X+X=Y. Those who can produce 0-1 are manifesting new realities for others to enjoy. :)
2412d · Capitalism
There is order in all systems. There are creators, which naturally makes up 10% of the population, then there's the other percent of advocators. Advocators makes creation adoptable.
2412d · Favorite Quotes
Success is an ideal, the fact we are alive and in existence is a form of success. You have beat all other sperms to be here. Therefore we were all born ultimate winners.
2412d · Buttcoin
You are allowed to spend it, there are ways to turn it into fiat. Have to look for the ways.
There's a place I eat often at, called Big Bowl & a Shot of Liquor. They have a total of 8 dishes you can get, every day, these dishes are the same, and it tastes amazing. Success comes from daily repetitions.
2413d · Favorite Quotes
"Anything you do, you just have to do it a hair better than the average, and this hair of a difference will be obvious to the average." -My Dad
2413d · Favorite Quotes
"I rather use 99 percent of everyone else's energy than 100% of my own energy" - John D Rockefeller
2413d · Capitalism
So, its a misconception..like the greatest lie of capitalism to make women work and take their energies. Therefore also effecting family structures as a whole.
2413d · Capitalism
A job is something you go to so you can sustain yourself or people reliant on you, a career is your passion. Now, how many women in the West are actually career women? Not that many friends.
2413d · Capitalism
Capitalism eventually eats their own, so now they have created a false concept that its good for women to work. Get a career..but most women just have jobs. not careers.
2413d · Capitalism
So, I think marriage in general, providing stability is healthy, and Western countries are really suffering. We can delve into the topic of women and working, and how that effects society lol
2413d · Capitalism
So," the stability of heavens starts from the individual, the family structure, and transmute to the empire under the sun. If you don't manage the family unit, the country suffers and is weak.
2413d · Capitalism
China is experiencing the American 50-60's at the moment. This is a fascinating time here. I'm broadcasting from Shanghai =D
2413d · Capitalism
By the way guys, China is VERY capitalistic.
2413d · Capitalism
Look at America in the50's... then fast forward and observe whats happening to western countries and lenient marriage exercise, divorces etc. Contributes to instability of the whole actually.
2413d · Capitalism
Actually the institution of marriage is extremely important for building solid stable society. Look at China.
2413d · Capitalism
So much romance here.
2413d · 每日聖經金句
为什么用繁体字。 哈哈哈。 大爱!
Guiqin sleep music. I love to really zone out with this. Enjoy :)
2414d · BCH Speculation
Everyday is payday if you trade. Every hour is payday if you trade well lol
How well can people handle the truth?