Just wanted to Memo a Big FUCK U BCH's shout out to Reddit users @increaseblocks & @edoera! If you love Memo then come at me on it BCH's! Don't talk behind my back on Reddit U BCH Fucks! I Luv Memo!
...And I have lambo. And, I will risk it. For me, if it was a dreamliner 787. Not for my money. For global currency! If you don't like it, screw you. Compete!" ~ Dr. Craig S. Wright
"The reality is that large bureaucracies formed in both capitalism and communism for control purposes. Proponents of each argue it was because it wasn’t _true_ capitalism/communism." ~ Peter Rizun
...But it means the hash majority will redirect part of the income of the hash minority _for the co-operative_ (unless they fork). Is this not Marxist in spirit?" ~ Peter Rizun
"BlockPress is not good on mobile, slow and especially when writing on Firefox mobile, the text stutters. Needs good mobile experience to really grow." Some BlockPress User. https://chainfeed.org
"Animated Avatars are the most annoying thing ever. @Elliot - your shit is annoying. :)" - some BlockPress user. Couldn't agree more. GIF's are a Web/Internet cancer. Chainfeed https://chainfeed.org
Why hide the Block Explorer link @Hello? Do you want to live in a world where normies are not educated on all the aspects of Blockchain technology? Try BlockPISS if that's what you're into.
"With the disintermediation of the bureau, the structural violence that maintains our current economic systems & social structures will begin to lose its power over our imaginations." ~ Peter Rizun
"Bitcoin is neither capitalistic nor communistic, but a new form of economic communication with z power 2 disintermediate z immense bureaucracies that both cap. & comm. came 2 rely on." ~ Peter Rizun
Bitcoin is neither capitalistic nor communistic, but a new form of economic communication with z power 2 disintermediate z immense bureaucracies that both cap. & comm. came 2 rely on." ~ Peter Rizun
And the Winner of Block 531212 - 5/21 - 1:31 PM is... Memo! 17 transactions vs BlockPISS's 1 transaction. Visit Chainfeed https://chainfeed.org/ to see more Memo winning.
When has @ED bashed BCH @CryptoAnarchist? If you've watched his utube videos you'll see he Hates Bitcoin Core with a passion unseen by most BCH supporters.
...Shld z Memo founders pay new workers less as in traditional Cap. structurd biz. or = 2 them which would b a Comm. style biz. Keep in mind there growth of Memo is 100% dpendent on new workers.