I'll argu 4 the opposin idea @DsCEO. Let's uz Memo 4 this xample. Memo has 2 maybe 3 devs. each equally rewarded 100% 4 their work. Now 2 grow Memo which will b 100% dpendent on new workers...
Chainfeed https://chainfeed.org/ is a real-time log of all OP_RETURN trxs. (Memo & BlockPress currently), delivered to you straight from the blockchain and rendered on-the-fly on the client side.
Blockchair Feed https://blockchair.com/feed — a small tool to display all readable data people embed into Bitcoin Cash, BTC, & ETH blockchains in real time (feat. Memo and BlockPress as well)!
Blockchair Feed https://blockchair.com/feed — a small tool to display all readable data people embed into Bitcoin Cash, BTC, & ETH blockchains in real time (feat. Memo and BlockPress as well)!
Blockchair Feed https://blockchair.com/feed — a small tool to display all readable data people embed into Bitcoin Cash, BTC, & ETH blockchains in real time (feat. Memo and BlockPress as well)!
Something definitely wrong with your Memo account @sherrykochmail. You tipped me 3,000 Satoshis earlier today but it never showed on my Memo balance dashboard. Any idea what would have happened to it?
I read ya @DC-b about the terms being poorly agreed upon/defined. I am up for any suggestions you may have on a way to Meference or ReMemo an agreed upon definition if anyone uses it improperly.
"When it comes to economic systems you only get one option." - @LR. Says u! U fuckin' control freak motherfucker! Small biz = Mostly Comm., Med biz = Mixture Comm./Cap. & Large biz = Mostly Cap.
Either Capitalism requires the State or it doesn't. There is no Grey area/In-Between if you believe your idea is Just, Non-Coercive and Non-Violent. Same goes for Communism Punk Ass MaFakn' BCH!