
Joined Apr 15, 2018 for a Hacker News Style interface to Memo

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replied 1887d
Complicit in what?

Eli Afram saying CSW has won some sort of award - is there any more info on this? I have my opinions on CSW but I'm always interested in new evidence.
replied 1887d
I've just listened to a bit, but it sounds like the Twitter execs are naive. They've set themselves an impossible task - to be impartial censors of the world's discussion forum.
Interesting thoughts here on bootstrapping a social network like Memo
I'm looking for a (BCH Community member) CSS developer to create a reddit style theme for
replied 1927d
If a miner is feeling sympathetic to larger OP_RETURNs, they're going to need to advertise an endpoint to submit some, since it's the propagation that is currently the problem.
replied 1553d
What about BCH chain? Is it going to get increased text size or not? I am not interested in BSV that is why I am asking.
unfollowed 1987d
1989d · Bitcoin Cash
Why does it feel like this chat discussion here is >50% about SV these days? And why is it almost exclusively bashing BCH instead of being productive?
"The reality is that we've been attacked twice, both times by private bankrolled startups that became incredibly hostile, using the exact same social warfare tactics to try and sow discord and reap division yet again.
replied 1995d
Ok, I've written up a public document with some overall goals and some specifics - - further chat on pm at twitter?
replied 1995d
Yes, initially I had copied the hacker news HTML and CSS but I think it's a good idea to replace with a better HTML structure too.
I'm looking for a (BCH Community member) CSS developer to create a reddit style theme for
replied 1996d
Do you read from both networks too? Or only if present on both?
replied 1997d
I am Satoshi
It is still possible to mine an empty block chain from the checkpoint and forward. I still don't think they have the hashpower required to do it, and the incentives are misaligned.
replied 1999d
If you assume that craig/nchain is in control, then just read his twitter feed to learn that they want to recover stale coins, remove P2SH, remove anonymity as a concept.. (cont)
"The fervor of the reddit and twitter troll campaigns kicked into high gear right as BCH went from $415 to $630. This price increase was caused when and Coinbase announced that they would follow the
replied 2006d
replied 2041d
Final worklow, with as example:

user visits scans CashID code, logs in. create child keys, user use CashID to sign them, can now post for user
2039d · CashID
The first PHP library to make CashID easy to implement is released and can be found on
The thing is, it's not the Core code quality procedures. Their procedures are, frankly, autistic. It's the fact that they have run off all the competent software architects
voted Bitcoin Unlimited 2076d
created poll 2076d
Which client do you trust most?
*Assume public knowledge for SV
Bitcoin ABC 6 votes · 6,666 satoshis
Bitcoin Unlimited 49 votes · 19,129 satoshis
Bitcoin SV 55 votes · 27,915 satoshis
Bitcoin XT 3 votes · 0 satoshis
bcash 0 votes · 0 satoshis
