
Joined Apr 15, 2018 for a Hacker News Style interface to Memo

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replied 1554d
doesn't grind the whole thing to a halt
5. The funding can exist alongside other funding streams.
6. It's not permanent, nor does it need to be temporary
7. Fund can grow or shrink
replied 1554d
rewarded with shares in the fund
3. Members vote whether to accept projects
4. Members can cash in their shares anytime

### A Lot to Like

I like it for a number of reasons

replied 1556d
them. - **imaginary_username**

I agree on this point and if we look at who is really paying for this dev fund, it is holders. Holders will be paying both for miners and for developer
replied 1560d
corruption. I'd be more likely to support a proposal that specifies exactly which projects are to be supported and how the funds will be used in advance.
replied 1569d
I've no objection to a pull request though.
replied 1570d
Hmm, should be on the main site now too. What are you seeing there?
replied 1570d
Definitely check out the article mode on this one too -
replied 1570d
and currently has one moderator, me. Now all posts and users that your mods think are off-topic won't show up. Nice. And if your mod turns bad, you can choose another one. Everyone
1570d · test
replied 1593d
replied 1595d
'base nightmode' - and the nightmode.css file just needs to contain the new/override rules.
This ensures that the nightmode will inherit any changes made to the base file, without
replied 1597d
That's great! It looks like it is working.
It acquires a lock on the db while processing history so you won't be able to run any queries on it until it is up to date - it'll take a few
replied 1597d
both on http
replied 1600d
signal that the truth is moving from the 'innovators' to the 'early adopters'.
replied 1600d
Hmm. Interesting.
replied 1606d
I'm saddened to hear that. Some of your feedback has been very helpful.
1607d · Member
Topic list on Member -

Also time based top posts by day, week, month, year, all.
replied 1609d
So each token output ties up a utxo dust of 546 sats - if you send them to a burn address, it costs a fee and still ties up a dust utxo. If you recycle them, it just amalgamates the
replied 1614d
code, part of Definition 2 }

Third paragraph of definition 2.

_Compact style:_


Term 1
~ Definition 1

Term 2
~ Definition 2a
replied 1633d
replied 1638d
Give it a try!
replied 1639d
I'm not seeing anything repeated - what are you seeing?
replied 1647d
Yes, you can see the latest, in development version at
Currently, it's level with the main site. The second entry in the topic drop down will be
created poll 1651d
Member should use up/down votes for polls.
Use up/down votes 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Use Poll vote 0x6d14 action 0 votes · 0 satoshis

replied 1657d
I love tokens, but I think adding token support would probably distract from Member's main mission. I think i'm going to leave tokens to Memo.