Seeing some 'M' and 'L' prepended to posts - what's going on with that?
Why not use the same protocol for BlockPress and Memo?
Geotag a memo would be good -
One possibility
Geotag 0x6d0c lat(8),long(8)
Hopefully ReMemo is coming next. I want to ReMemo stuff!
Set profile picture - 0x6d10 - 0x6d0a maybe?
If it ain't cash, it ain't Bitcoin.
Memo identities and interactions can potentially span multiple blockchains
I'm building a front-end Javascript Client for Memo.
I need a back-end.
After like or post, interface should take you back to where you were.
Memo is going to need to incentivized gateways to stay online
Drop down list with common tip amounts on 'like' page would be nice.
Twitter chose the wrong people to fuck with when they attacked BCH
Would be nice to have a 'parent' link on replies in my feed.
Would be nice to have a 'parent' link on replies in my feed.
How to reconfigure Memo front end so that user's own their own identities?
It's not that I'm lucky, I'm just very good at prayer.