Be content with what you have, enjoy what is happening to You. When You realize that you are not lacking in anything, the entire universe will belong to You.
Learn to distinguish what is important. Higher education is not an indicator of intelligence. Beautiful words are not an indicator. Beautiful appearance is not a quality of a person. Learn to appreciate the soul, to believe in actions and deeds.
When people hurt you over and over again, think of them as sandpaper. They may touch you and hurt you a little, but in the end you will be polished to perfection, and they will not be of any use.
The only one you have to enlighten is yourself wonderboy. Let them stay in their darkness born of their desires. The point is, all the money in the world is not going to help change yourself or even anyone else. The truth is that if you really had the capacity to do good to others, by first changing yourself; you would already have the resources necessary to do good in as much as your capacity to do good allows. The king as a representative of god needs nothing from anyone else except following his own truth. Yet, here you are making tall promises when what you should be focussing on is fixing your relationships with you family by trying to take responsibility foe your own actions. You and I are here with the common agenda of making more money born from our greed, nothing else.
It's never too late to change your life… You just need to want it to change. The hardest thing is to want change. Most often, we get tired, give up and just lose the desire to change something and slowly go with the flow-skipping the turns we need and the berths created for us...