Hello reader! Have you heard what Imaginary Time is? Imagine a mirror in front of you. You see a space there, when in fact there is nothing there! And what if we feel the passage of time is also wrong Remember the theory of relativity, and complex numbers. If this is combined with each other, it turns out that there will be no paradoxes in black holes! This means that time goes in a circle, since it is a complex number. Every time we are born again and die again. If you want me to explain in more detail, then give me please donate! =) 12fWMH7SR7ChTH3Rq7NSXAmmAd7mzjuLRi
Our busses broke down all the time so they put up animal pictuteres in the window instead. It made it easier when using the replacement busses. I only remember a dolphin and a bear but not what bus i was.
Memo.sv site had an outage starting September 21. This was due to server reaching limits. It is now resolved. Current software is still single server so eventually things will stop working again.
Yeah I want more leaders! I have some helpful information that I think everyone can use but the people who are best for me will formulate their own plans and extend thing their own way.
Thank you for supporting my work🍻Cool DOGE tokens were sent to the first 20 responders. If you missed this promo, follow me & look for next week's art.
I’m trying to figure that out now. I’ve got a ton of niche followers and trying to figure out a way to onboard them to twetch without me going negative with cashflow.
One of my old coworkers caught the breakroom microwave on fire with a sausage pancake stick. If we are talking about the same thing, be careful with those things lol
This is the real chart that $BSV should be scared off. Defi is ripping faces off everything right now and doesn't look like its anywhere near finished. Plus billionaires like Marc Cuban are holding shitcoins on $ETH https://www.tradingview.com/x/voSUfBOP/