Memo now has such a massive divide within it. It’s super sad to see us this way. Let’s pull it back in guys. We are all here for Bitcoin Cash. Can’t we all just enjoy the show and eat some popcorn together?
Why not create a toy coin on which to "try different things"? Inexperienced coders like new cool and exciting stuff that elevates them as early adopters instead of old stuff that works
Thats what almost all the tokens/coins today are, and if it "works" whats the point of any upgrade at all
Not necessarily. They said on twitter that they will follow Moneybutton's suggestion which might lead to a loss of split transactions until memo decides which implementation to support
Not necessarily. They said on twitter that they will follow Moneybutton's suggestion which might lead to a loss of split transactions until memo decides which implementation to support
Memo runs ABS+SV and mark any tx not valid on both nodes as split. "After the hash battle is over, any split coins on the winning chain are removed from stasis and can be spent."
Yes but seeing how this isn't about coins as much as it is about transactions. The trxns on the "losing" chain would just from memo/yours will disappear from the "winning" chain
What he said. Also the seemingly small changes you make now will have massive consequences down the road. If you wreck the economic structure it will eventually collapse.
The converse is just as applicable, and there is no sure shot way of knowing which will work out
Even if you knew that you actually improved stuff, many people, like merchants need a stable protocol, so they can implement once and then use, it just works.
Absolutely, but it might be too early to focus on stability. I'm of the opinion that it is better to try different things at this stage and focus on stability later on
memo and yours tansaction are protected
The transactions are protected for now but the user generated content created after the fork could be on different chains and hence lesser users on each of the chains
At the moment, there is shared BCH history and all memo transactions are on the same chain. In the event of a split, which is more than likely, the community will be divided into 2
Assuming a 50-50 split, a transaction on ABC's chain will not be visible to 50% of current memo users on SV. So lesser users on memo on each chain -> less incentive to use memo
At the moment, there is shared BCH history and all memo transactions are on the same chain. In the event of a split, which is more than likely, the community will be divided into 2
Coingeek and CSW disagree with the changes to the Bitcoin protocol that are to be introduced with the fork.
Apologies, I didn't explain too well. I understand the hardfork and the changing consensus rules but I question if that will actually result in any hash war.
Totally this. The game theory and balancing of incentives/rewards/difficulty was all worked out by Satoshi in 2008. One more fork to uncap the blocksize and tweak the opcodes then done
Maybe its just me but I don't get why the "original vision" is so important. Shouldn't we improve with the times?
Bitcoin was not made open source so developers could screw around with the base code and protocol, but so miners could customize on top of the client to compete with other miners.
Isn't it more like "to each its own" - do with it as you wish?
you are welcome to try & take that control away from them - compete; if you are not up to that & don't like the vision, you are free to use a different coin
Food for thought: by remaining ambivalent, exchanges are giving the users (and by extension the markets) the power. Not a bad thing
Absolutely, I will, CSW said he will, my mining friends on SVpool said they will too. Like I said, I can go for years at BCH $0. I miss the original Bitcoin/vision that much.
Love your discipline but I reckon that some our the more profit minded folks will ditch and head to whichever chain ends up with "profitable" mining