Another reason I think the price will rise is that, whoever wins the war will like to have a big price pop to confirm that "that's what investors/the community really wanted". It's BS of course, but cheap PR.
Like to have a price pop doesn't mean the price will go up right?
"The fervor of the reddit and twitter troll campaigns kicked into high gear right as BCH went from $415 to $630. This price increase was caused when and Coinbase announced that they would follow the
Binance and the ability to make money out of nothing are likely at play too
Do you have proof that miners didn't do that? I know you don't, I also question miners (as everyone else) because they showed to not being able to rely on during BTC scaling debate.
Entirely possible, and you're right I wouldn't know. I'd like to think that everyone works towards maximisation of their own profits
I have one new perspective since 32MB blocks were mined: could it be that during stress test miners didn't want to mine 32MB blocks so that they can say original code can't scale?
Much conspiracy. Could be wrong but I always thought its computationally ineffective to pack so many transactions in one block since the main mining reward is coming from the coinbase
ahahahhaah. I don't get the incentive though, filling up 32MB and then computing hashes on that would surely require more computation in the already hyper competitive mining world
A 51% attack on ABC chain is difficult, but orphaning blocks and replaying txs is more easy.
Even if SV's hashpower was equal, SV would be inclined to mine their own transactions and keep new block time as close as possible to 10 min instead of using their wasting it on ABC
A 51% attack on ABC chain is difficult, but orphaning blocks and replaying txs is more easy.
Orphaning would only happen if SV's hashpower >= ABC thereby allowing SV to mine empty/erroneous blocks quicker than ABC hence forming the longest proof of work chain. Seems unlikely
As per Poloniex's futures market, an 80-20 split is expected in ABC's favour. Given the next mining difficulty adjustment some 2016 blocks away, SV miners could suffer a lack of profitability for the some 10 weeks?