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saved 1103d
Is this time the big one? Who knows, but the trend continues, bears will feast for months.

Here We Go Again, Again: China's Housing Market Freezes
saved 1103d
"A totalitarian system can function for a time on color of law and implied threats, but it will crumble unless it...[establishes] a physical presence of force."

Resistance brings boots on the ground and degrades state legitimacy
saved 1103d
The Federal Reserve is trapped because its policy will decide in which direction the market collapses. It's kind of like a bank robber feels once surrounded by cops. Does he try to escape and risk adding a murder (of the currency) charge or surrender?
saved 1104d
There are many charts like this in the gold mining space. Nobody wants these right now. I'm accumulating.
saved 1104d
$MAE.V has come all the way back down to test its breakout. Was 75% higher when gold was at $2000. The stock was also valued here based on their one mine that is going into production. Since then, they've hit on another property, could be another mine.
saved 1104d
In China, the police invite protestors and dissidents to drink tea with them. In Australia, they show up at your door with cameras running.
saved 1104d
Twetchdat for Gab so I can abandon Twitter forever.
saved 1104d
The event horizon in American politics approaches.

NY Gov threatens to replace hospital workers with foreigners if they don't get the vaxx. She has reached out to the State Dept about this.
saved 1104d
Inflation: when the government prints money to fight the shortages caused by printing money.

"UK bails out an American company to prevent food supply crisis"
saved 1104d
Credit bubbles require increasing amounts of support because percentage growth too. If the Fed said it would buy $120 billion in assets for eternity, at some point in the not-too-distant future it would stop working.
saved 1104d
The Fed Chairman says tapering isn't tightening. That he said it means he thinks the public is dumb. Anytime they reduce support it is a form of tightening because the market has priced in the full support.
saved 1104d
There's always some explanation for why there are shortages and soaring prices, but the real cause is inflation. Global central banks and govts wrecked the economy.

"For Auto Makers, the Chip Famine Will Persist"
saved 1104d
The Chinese economy is one giant Evergrande. Ditto for Europe, USA And Japan.
saved 1104d
Broke: You can't fork Bitcoin
Woke: Yes I can
Bespoke: You're not running your own private fork?
saved 1105d
My doc, who's fine with the vaxx, nonetheless said go for it with ivermectin. Said the politicization is bullshit, no studies being done, no guidance. Said familiar with HCQ, McCullough. Not happy. I'm in deep blue country.
saved 1105d
Baizuo are so f-ing retarded. They think reins on a horse are whips. Starts at around 5min in the video.
saved 1105d
saved 1106d
In 100 years, either all humans are dead or all scientists.

"Scientists growing medicine-filled plants to replace injections"
saved 1106d
American funded, Chinese designed virus made to be highly infectious in human, and accidentally releases. One of the top men involved in funding the work, Dr. Fauci, remains in charge of the response to his crime against humanity.
saved 1106d
Norm liked long shots, so I took a crack on a deep OTM weekly put on $ADBE
saved 1106d
I'm not short BTC, but I take this as a bombs away signal for stocks.as long as below $42k
saved 1106d
Welcome to the bear market. If the Fed doesn't tighten fast, inflation destroys corporate earnings. If the Fed fights inflation, money printer go reverse.

"FedEx Tumbles After Missing Earnings, Guiding Lower On Soaring Labor, Transportation Costs"
saved 1106d
Federal Reserve and govt preventing market panics is the same as suppressing forest fires. The behavior creates the conditions that will unleash a fire that nothing can put out, so large it may consume the central bank and govt along with the economy.
saved 1106d
Gold/copper on the cusp of a breakout. Major bearish, deflation signal if it goes through.

Discussion of chart here: https://www.bitpost.app/u/LuoZhen/macro-in-one-chart-the-copper-gold-ratio-8NgCLj2
saved 1106d
The gold/copper ratio is rising. I'm inclined to sell the rips.