White men are people too

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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White men are people too
1701d · global warming
I tried calling that helpline, and I was rejected for being quote "not hateful enough to require our help". I asked if they had ever met one of these hateful individuals, they said no.
White men are people too
1701d · Racism
Wow, that seemed relatively mainstream, and not only did he hardly grovel at all over being white, he even pointed to some basic and truths that all people in a sane society would just know
White men are people too
1701d · Capitalism
What you are saying here applies to you, nobody else in here at the moment. LOOK AT YOURSELF
White men are people too
1701d · Capitalism
Who copy pastes other people's thoughts to the degree that many topics in here are flooded with them? Who is the most censored person on this server?
White men are people too
1701d · Capitalism
OK, how's that for projection. Who use scapegoats almost in every post ("fuckingcapitalist")? Who swears all the time? Who directly refused to continue in dialog yesterday?
White men are people too
1701d · Capitalism
And here we go with more copy/paste from LR instead of having a real dialogue. People like you, LR, who refuse real dialog, are the reason things are so bad, you are the problem, not the cure
White men are people too
1702d · Capitalism
What we are talking about here ("resource based economy") is your model. Any lack of genuine concerns over this would have to be yours, since you are the one who have chosen to promote it.
White men are people too
1702d · Capitalism
It seems people take all this so lightly, as if saying "so maybe our population gets killed or enslaved, but at least I got my ego boost from seeming smart when saying it would be great"
White men are people too
1702d · Capitalism
And apparently, when you prod the phrases (like "resource based economy"), you usually get no answer at all. At best a few extra empty phrases. Like they didn't think it through at all
White men are people too
1703d · Phrases that now grind my gears....
How do you feel about "The truth is out there"?
White men are people too
1703d · Capitalism
Other natural questions if you want to do away with capitalism: How to allow individual freedom? How to trade? How to distribute goods? How to incentivize hard/efficient work?
White men are people too
1703d · Capitalism
I guess a good starting point for those who advocate a resource based economy is, explain to me how this system will deal with the inevitable ill-intentioned powerful individuals.
White men are people too
1703d · Capitalism
(Correction:"...just HOW hard it is..."). People sit behind their desks in a relatively well functioning society and advocate other models without realizing what it is they are gambling away
White men are people too
1703d · Capitalism
Also, I'm not sure people understand just hard it is to understand the effects of new societal structures and how bad a society can become through misguided good intentions without understanding
White men are people too
1703d · Capitalism
Therefore, to just say "resource based economy" is just not enough. You need to clarify how it is supposed to work, otherwise it is just empty words and no real communication can come from it.
White men are people too
1703d · Capitalism
"Resource based economy" means totally different things to different people. Compare for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource-based_economy to https://tinyurl.com/hl8sdmx
White men are people too
1703d · Quantum Computers
Even if technology was there I would expect Google to milk the market for all it was worth, making it cost prohibitive short term to use it to just break strong crypto
White men are people too
1703d · Quantum Computers
Also, I don't expect a sudden drop of a cheap quantum chip that you can just plug into your old computer. There will likely be quite some time to adjust after we know some more details
White men are people too
1703d · Quantum Computers
It could be more than a little unpleasant with or without valuables.
White men are people too
1703d · Quantum Computers
And if traditional banking is in severe trouble, I don't think Bitcoin will be your biggest problem. Suppose you have your bitcoins safe and sound and society crumbles around you.
White men are people too
1703d · Quantum Computers
I would expect the traditional banking system to be far more at risk than bitcoin. The complexity in their setup and the slowness of their changes is far greater.
White men are people too
1703d · Quantum Computers
As the saying goes, prediction is hard, especially about the future. It seems Google is very secretive so far about what they have achieved, which also makes prediction super hard
White men are people too
1704d · Capitalism
I don't know, maybe that guy just needed to get out some anger or something. People come here and talk capitalism down all the time, and when it comes down to it, they have no backup for it
White men are people too
1704d · antipsychiatry
Ah, but you can't cure the "politician" part out of a politician :)
White men are people too
1704d · Capitalism
So you keep saying, but you also keep failing to give a proper alternative. Slabbing some negative superlatives to a word does not make it a bad thing. Do you have any real information?