White men are people too

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White men are people too
1739d · 2019 Bank Bailout
Another video by the same dude
White men are people too
1739d · Taoism
One more thing. The Dao De Jing is only about 5000 words, I suppose you can read it all in an hour or so. It is also cut into small standalone parts. But it's deep, understanding can take a lifetime
White men are people too
1739d · CSW
If that is for me, no I did not. Therefore I have no idea what you are saying. Can you elaborate or something?
White men are people too
1739d · Taoism
All that being said, don't believe me blindly. "He who talks does not know, he who knows does not talk" - Dao De Jing. I suppose you should follow your own way, whatever it might be.
White men are people too
1739d · Taoism
If you want an easier to understand intro for westerners, I suppose such videos help a bit, but I would suggest "the tao of pooh" and "the te of piglet" (there is also a book that combines the two)
White men are people too
1739d · Taoism
Because of this I would recommend reading the dao de jing (tao te ching) and other taoist classics if one really wants to understand taoism. Maybe also the taoist directed "wings" of the yi jing
White men are people too
1739d · Taoism
Zen as I understand it is a kind of blend of taoism and buddhism and maybe something more. It is not "pure" taoism. The personal interpretations may hinder further progress if one want to go far.
White men are people too
1739d · Taoism
Taoism is a distinctly Chinese thing. There is the concept of de, which both has to do with virtue and "good karma", but I would stick to that word instead of "karma" when talking about taoism
White men are people too
1739d · Taoism
Hm, first 3 minutes or so was all about indian stuff (sanskrit, karma and so on), then some zen, and a lot of personal interpretation which I do not necessarily adher to. Then I stopped watching
White men are people too
1739d · CSW
I have not paid attention to the CSW issue for a long, long time. I know he talked about suing people, and heard some loose rumors about failed attempts. Anyone want to fill me in on what has happened?
White men are people too
1739d · 2019 Bank Bailout
Even back in roman times it was well known to rulers that the "divide and conquer" method of ruling was very effective. Dividing people between socialism/capitalism or red/blue both work
White men are people too
1739d · 2019 Bank Bailout
In fact, I think it is super dangerous that people direct their anger over things like this into "we got to get this other slave owner into office". Nothing good will come from that
White men are people too
1739d · 2019 Bank Bailout
I don't believe in making this into a partisan issue. I think if the slave-owners of the american people wore blue hats instead of red, they would do virtually exactly the same thing
White men are people too
1739d · Ideas to improve our lives
Poll, is this the fitting place to copy/paste bible quotes? https://memo.cash/a/74ae33af9b
White men are people too
created poll 1739d
Is topic "Ideas to improve our lives" a fitting place to indiscriminately copy/paste bible quotes?
Yes 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
No 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis


White men are people too
1741d · 2019 Bank Bailout
Nobody interested in bank bailouts? I thought a decent percentage of bitcoin hodlers were in the space because of such things
White men are people too
1741d · 2019 Bank Bailout

I have not researched this at all, but it sounds real serious, and a good reason to stick to Bitcoin or precious metals.
White men are people too
1741d · The Weaving Spider
So if I said something like "Feminism is destroying the world", feminists will go crazy with rage, while quite a few men will nod in agreement. Is that "what is" or not?
White men are people too
1741d · The Weaving Spider
Speaks truth as defined by whom?
White men are people too
1741d · Taoism
I have laughed out loud many times when reading the Dao De Jing
White men are people too
1741d · Taoism
When foolish students hear about the Dao, they laugh at it out loud." ( http://www.egreenway.com/taoism/ttclz41.htm )
White men are people too
1741d · Taoism
"When wise students hear about the Dao, they follow it with care. When ordinary students hear about the Dao, they sometimes believe in it, and sometimes doubt. ...
White men are people too
1742d · Psychedelic Drugs
I have an intellectual interest in psychedelic drugs, though I have never tried any myself. If anyone has an experience or opinion they want to share on the topic it is welcome!
White men are people too
1744d · #911Truth
Again, absolute logic failure. If someone in the audience wants to know what failure this was, ask, and I can explain. SILENTSAM is not honest, he is just trying to bait me into a mud fight
White men are people too
1746d · #911Truth
The rest is almost as bad argumentation. For example, he cannot know there is no god, nobody can.