White men are people too

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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White men are people too
1743d · #911Truth
"Most never hear the official story" lol. That I will not argue against, but only because it is obviously wrong, and I know what happens when I argue such things with YOU-SHOULD-BE-SILENT-SAM.
White men are people too
1743d · Capitalism
... which also doesn't explain the alternative. You being you, and using that icon, I suppose you prefer communism, is that your alternative? Cause that really sucks, both in practice and theory
White men are people too
1743d · #911Truth
pnac documents said it was a key for their whole plan yes. I suppose I could have said that, but I don't fault myself for not always being 100% inclusive with all facts (I'd never finish talking)
White men are people too
1744d · #911Truth
I mean it's not like 911 was both birthday and xmas for the PNAC guys, at almost exactly the right time for the unjust wars, or that "#911Thruth" topic naturally would cover inside job discussion
White men are people too
1744d · #911Truth
And after that, what's better than our very own self censorship champion dixnorkel telling us what is worthwhile arguing over? This is great stuff!
White men are people too
1744d · #911Truth
If all this does not convince us of his superiority, then nothing will
White men are people too
1744d · #911Truth
He also uses other favorites like unfounded assertions, triggerwords ("conspiracy theory", "absurd" "myth"...), straw man arguments (connecting it to Flat Earth) and claims of earlier debunks
White men are people too
1744d · #911Truth
Wow, SILENTSAM is pulling all the stops now. He even brought his "I once believed x, but now I don't" superargument, which he NEVER uses (except i.e. 4 days ago, scroll back and see)
White men are people too
1744d · Religion
First came the NPC's then came the token scammers. Now it's the preachers. This place is going down fast. I'm not even sure what's worst.
White men are people too
1744d · Capitalism
The question isn't what headline you can make with a fraction of even the memo character limit, but what's your alternative? Most alternatives suck much more.
White men are people too
1744d · Intelligent life on other planet
So many new topics end up like this, a couple of posts, then it is left alone. Quite depressing. Wanna talk about crop circles? Drake equation? UFOs?
White men are people too
1745d · Politics
This video is surprisingly interesting, given its title. Eric Weinstein shows a lot of insight into current political climate.
White men are people too
1745d · Stuff and junk
It seems nobody wants to talk about stuff and junk anymore.
White men are people too
1745d · 16 years automotive mechanic here. Ask me how to fix your stuff.
OK, how do I fix my stuff?
White men are people too
1747d · Мемо на русском языке
I can't read that. But if you wonder what Russian for Memo is, it is Мемо.
White men are people too
1748d · Flat Earth
Great news for FE'ers across the globe! Foucault Pendulum has been put into question. https://xkcd.com/2201/
White men are people too
1748d · Post Your Real Life Name Here
I'd hate to criticize my parents' decisions, but for this particular context one could have wished that they had chosen a less confusing name.
White men are people too
1748d · Intelligent life on other planet
There must be hundreds of different comments/arguments/themes connected to this topic. Maybe start with "Lets see if we can find intelligent life on our own planet first"?
White men are people too
1748d · Post Your Real Life Name Here
Your Real Life Name
White men are people too
1749d · #911Truth
Those oPportuNistic Authoritarian fuCkbags (PNAC) wanted such an event, as their plan was deemed too slow "unless there were some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."