White men are people too

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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White men are people too
1754d · Ideas to improve our lives
Ignore all tokens, ICOs and other pretend value items in the Bitcoin space, and you will have far less scams to have to deal with
White men are people too
1755d · A new secret society
This message is encrypted with quadruple rot13 for extra secrecy
White men are people too
1755d · A new secret society
And don't forget nut allergy and the like.
White men are people too
1756d · Chan
Interesting video, but man that guy is a team player, to the point where lying for his team is OK. He did that first for the 8chan "team", and now for the feminist team with his wife.
White men are people too
1756d · Tokens
Georg: Basic overview: They are all scams. :)
White men are people too
1757d · US Politics/Trump
...lead to abuse by those who do the spam filtering. You get a theymos type person in charge of the filtering, and you get an arguably worse situation than if you only had some spammers.
White men are people too
1757d · US Politics/Trump
...But then you have others who are less clear cases. And what I was talking about was the question of attempting a general solution to the troll/spam problem. Such attempts invariably
White men are people too
1757d · US Politics/Trump
Definitely LR is spamming, definitely she acts more like machine/NPC than human (automatic copy/paste of talking points from other sites, no real dialog, totally hardheaded on doing it)
White men are people too
1757d · A new secret society
Hidden actions, OK, but they need to be connected to the society yes? Not much point in a secret society that only consists of membership
White men are people too
1758d · A new secret society
I could post in here, but I won't because that would compromise my secret identity/membership.
White men are people too
1758d · US Politics/Trump
Gavid: I suppose proper filtering of trolls combined with zero filtering of non-trolls is an impossibility. One mans troll can be another mans non-troll and so on. Really hard problem
White men are people too
1758d · Super secret society, first rule of super secret society, don't post in super secret society or it won't be a secret any more.
I define this text as a non post scribble
White men are people too
1759d · Flat Earth
"It's so crazy, it'll discredit the Flat Earth theory". I want to hear that theory!
White men are people too
1763d · Hong Kong
What if it is just lucky circumstances that has led to you living in a country that does not have a totalitarian government?
White men are people too
1763d · Hong Kong
Also, CCP was helped into power by the Soviet union, and CCP is super skilled (though not wise) at what they do. Easy from the outside to *claim* that you can just stand up against it.
White men are people too
1763d · Hong Kong
In Hong Kong specifically you might say it is a small minority of the "entity" that is in uprising, as China owns HK and has a population of 1.3 billion people behind it, while HK has 7 million.
White men are people too
1765d · Memo or Twetch
First time I heard of this. It supposedly being troll free is very interesting, though for now it seems to me like a feature that is "glued on" and won't work properly
White men are people too
1769d · Politics
The big issue I see in politics today is that so many fall for PC ideas and other things that in practice are more harmful than good, and that they actively filter out information of this fact
White men are people too
1770d · Racism
I generally don't read messages from trolls, but when they out themselves as someone who should be opposed at every level and every way, I suppose a comment is in order. LR is a racist, fight her
White men are people too
1771d · global warming
As usual, SILENTSAM is avoiding the content of the video in order to repeat generalized talking points. Oh, and he did not look into the data. He just knows that's what he is supposed to say
White men are people too
1771d · global warming
I think anger would come rather naturally in such instances.
White men are people too
1771d · global warming
Certainly you don't want to be corrected by an extremist, you are much better than those guys, so now you are totally committed to your narrative. But you also see it is getting silly.
White men are people too
1771d · global warming
Anarcho: Imagine being tied up to a totally wrong narrative, and somehow doubting it, and also seeing perceived right wing extremists pointing out weaknesses in your narrative.
White men are people too
1775d · US Politics/Trump
So my question is, are there anyone out there who has a coherent argument for in favor of the claim that Trump is (specifically) a racist?
White men are people too
1775d · US Politics/Trump
Seems this has mostly been used as trolling playground for a while, but I'll try this anyway. I recently watched this: