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saved 1242d
personally I think it's hilarious you got $ from q-tard with that troll toll.

To be fair though, there's definitely a fucked up pedo cabal that involves powerful people, but Q anon is just a bunch of awful lies and bullshit along with that reality.
saved 1242d
That is, subliminal/unconscious suggestions forced upon you in dreams, that can manifest in waking behavior, without your understanding/awareness.
saved 1242d

Smoking weed protects against psy attacks within dreams. Because it can basically turn off your dreams entirely. They tried to get me to stop toking, a lot, for that reason, it's one of the ways some entities control people - dreambased mind control
saved 1242d
That's all I do. That's all I did. All they got left is occasionally dropping in when they know I'm gonna see their pissant bullshit like that, wherein I smh my head and tell them to fuck off and go on with my day. Just splainin why I said what I did there
saved 1242d
Note how they left instantly and stopped posting. I've dealt with these goons for years, little group of stalker cowards. Its nothing new. That scumbag is just trying to antagonize me. They're sad little creeps.
saved 1242d
No. Great intuition
saved 1242d

This is awful.

I've been wondering about the decay of plastics. Creation/dumping must be a rising curve over time. Therefore so is rate of decay into microplastics we breathe in everywhere now, eat, drink. Scary shit.
saved 1242d
saved 1242d
Idk, i love to see it. Damn that makes me want to just trolltoll every annoying person on here for $500 and then bait LMAO
saved 1242d
Sure.. I'm not saying I don't see positive things ahead, what I'm saying is I believe humans will do as they alwyas have, get inventive, and find new ways to grift and prey on others within the confines of the new tech paradigm. That's all.
saved 1242d
It was me. All the precious coins are mine now. Except BSV, they didn't have any.

Anyway, I exchanged them all for TRON, as a nest egg. Later virgins
saved 1242d
That is, nobody is disagreeing that *ideally* what you're suggesting comes to pass. The issue is humans are humans, and won't all behave like you seem to think they will, just because the tech can revolutionize certain aspects of our experience.
saved 1242d
Some aspects of human behaviour and the behaviour of certain types of groups of humans, will always be the same, is the point.. Why since time immemorial there have always been certain types to seek power over all others, willing to do anything to get it.
saved 1242d
Whoever controls the media, same as it ever was.

You really think everyone is going to just suddenly have equal slices of the pie, equal influence, equal reach? Huh? How? Certain entities/groups will concentrate power+influence as always.
saved 1243d
Then it will just be big business assuming the role government does today. Nannying the herd.

Watch and see.
saved 1243d
I think the reasoning is that people en masse are retarded liabilities, and as a result cannot be left to their own devices.
saved 1243d
saved 1243d
what I'm getting at is there's way too much greed-noise here, for me anyways. too much fake bs at this point on the latest feed of just begging and self-promoting dynamics.
saved 1243d
Eh I would stay honestly, there are still some cool people and interactions here right? U don't have to let the bullshit decide your experience here, just avoid it. It's not like by experimenting with the tech you're supporting the bad stuff
saved 1243d
Like the real dialogue with real people here has been cool. But then a whole lot of shit here is just people being fake - either trying to get more followers or trying to win giveaways or just sucking up to people they know have $$$, or laundering
saved 1243d
A lot of the accts here are weird as fuck. There's some interesting real people for sure but there's a whole section of people that's just.. weird and creepy, and it's because it's a whole begging culture, where they're all acting fake to make $$$
saved 1243d
Or so they think.. the problem for them is, again, it's all way easier to trace and prove than real world laundering like through art. These dummies will find that out in the coming years. Don't worry!
saved 1243d
Again, who's spending the 1-2 million+ on the NFT market here? Not regular people. Not savvy investors. They are just moving funds around selling $5000 hats like they sell $5000 pieces of art in the real world - laundering is EVEN EASIER with NFTs.
saved 1243d
Yea, laundering has always been part of crypto world.
BSV is free, and instant. They lose LOTS of money laundering with something like BTC/ETH because of transaction costs. Hence they use BSV nowadays, and lose nothing. This site makes it all ez for them
saved 1243d
Actually what they're doing here is making it an open and shut case on themselves.. all of their criminal money movement is permanently recorded on the blockchain for anyone to see LOL. idiots. It's indefensible in court once investigated now.