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saved 1243d
Anyway, I think there are crim orgs here who think it's all anonymous, who will eventually get their shit pushed in by authorities for what they're up to here. It's all 100% traceable. They are only creating a bit more work for investigators, that's all.
saved 1243d
There's no way I can prove it, but what else makes sense? Like you say, who would be liking all these obvious trash comments and all that? There's too much shady transfer of value around this site and questionable activity/dialogues/accounts.
saved 1243d
Look at the sold tab in the NFT market for example.Scroll down about 5% and you'll have seen over $100000USD worth of sales for these worthless NFTs.There well over a million easily on the whole page, probably several.Whos buying them?Crims, off themselves
saved 1243d
For real, while this site is cool and has interesting possibilities.. at the moment its main use is laundering money for god knows how many criminal orgs and then plebs trying to grift other people for $$ for nothing.
saved 1243d
It's all money laundering w/ botnets.. again, seriously, they are muddying all this movement of tiny amoutns of funds and then likely recompiling it all in some master accounts way down the line. Imagine how hard it would be to trace all the tiny movement
saved 1243d
That is to say - in the longrun this shit is bad for the site (user base and profitability). In the short term it's not really affecting user base and is highly profitable for all involved AND site owners. There's little incentive for any to stop it yet.
saved 1243d
The issue here which I stated on an alt account is, again, they are making tons of $$ off all the activity eithe way. It's likely in THEIR best interests to keep that crap going. Once it's gone, activity will die down substnatially, likely they know this,
saved 1243d
I think some of these criminal orgs aren't thinking this through well though.

For example there is clearly, clearly money laundering going on, on this very site, via the NFT market and such. it's all 100% traceable, but these dummies think it isn't.
saved 1243d
The only people who don't want these giveaways and scam tokens gone?
-People making money off these scams
-Beggars who might make tiny amounts of $ off proliferating it

anyone else? Don't think so. Maybe some folks who will cry "muh free speech" like this
saved 1243d
Well it's true. What valuable content does a group of people scheming on discord to steal money from people or launder money, with scam after scam giveaway/NFT, provide a social media platform? None. It's not free thinking, it's just mindless greed.
saved 1243d
people being greedy trying to get $$$ for nothing is not "free thinking". these people provide nothing of value to the platform if the goal is to share interesting content/ideas.
It's just self-serving bullshit that needs to go or this platfor is dead.
saved 1243d
An even bigger issue is it's self-reinforcing, people come here and see "Oh shit these grifters are using the site to make $, I should come up with some kinda giveaway/token grift myself and make $". Then more do it. Then more. Then more. And now were here
saved 1243d
Seriously this king token (WORTHLESS scamcoin that users are using your platform to try to pump, solely to enrich themselves, b/c greed) bullshit, the banana cucumber hunting picture fucking nonsense.. it's all garbage. it's all greed. not content. greed.
saved 1243d
No shit, this trash will kill this type of platform. 70%+ of the activity here is beggars, self promotion, giveaways of worthless NFTs etc. Its trash and people who want to use sites like this as social media, know it's trash, and will leave because of it.
saved 1243d
-t. exchange insider

kys, greedy ponzi faggot
saved 1243d
Ok creep, you're as irrelevant as you always have been. That's why you're still skulking around in the shadows antagonizing, like the pathetic little shit you are, as usual.

saved 1243d
Look pal, if you're saying you're the reason Cyberpunk 2077 was so bad, well then I guess all I can say is I bet you're not really Satoshi after all.
saved 1243d
>Having standards for tokens

pick one
saved 1243d
Like why the FUCK would we go with the inefficient garbage when there's a better option? Why are you even suggesting that as a realistic way forward when we can just... not do that, and use way better tech already.

Oh yeah, fractal ponzi market.
saved 1243d
fees are already lower, with a lower userbase, with BSV. and it's instant.

why don't we all just treat it like any other tech, say "Ok this is clearly 2.0 right here", adopt it and fking carry on already?

Oh yeah, fractal ponzi market, that's why. fags
saved 1243d
Or for example, if I just want to SEND some bitcoin to a friend say across the world. It's gonna cost me like 50% fee of what I want to send, to send it, then take hours to get to him.
But I can send it to him for free with BSV, instantly.

BTC is trash.
saved 1243d
That is why bitcoin and most coins have always been scams. total scams. They cannot work for e-commerce. so what fking good are they to any of us? BSV is instant, free, does work. plus it can store value like digital gold too, like BTC does, any crpto can.
saved 1243d
if you want to buy some shit on amazon, you're not ever, ever ever going to pay more than the item just to use bitcoin to buy it. PLUS the cost of the item as well. Then wait hours for it to go through. You want instant, free, like BSV. And no slowdowns.
saved 1243d
Because if these things cant do millions of transactions per second for free then they're not viable for global commercial enterprise.
It costs something retarded like costs more than you're sending, to send ETH right now. And takes hours to send.
saved 1243d
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