
Joined Apr 16, 2018

A storyteller suit who recently evolved into a blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast.

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replied 1925d
No worries, none taken. Cheers!
replied 1925d
Wow, yeah... my 30 MB hard drive still fit in a normal 5¼" drive bay.

Manually flip the floopy? Is that even a 5¼" floppy?
replied 1926d
I will look this up and have a read. Thank you!
replied 1926d
Having said that, I have minimum knowledge of forking and its implications. Not afraid, just clueless.
replied 1926d
Whoops, my bad. I truly forgot this topic thread is on BSV. My post on 30 MB hard drive and so on was purely nostalgic.
replied 1926d
From what you wrote, I think you meant to reply another message thread instead of this one... 😁
replied 1926d
And that gets BDV the rate of $128 (according to Google just now)? Seriously, "nothing/no use case" gets shilled to $128? 🤦‍♂️
replied 1926d
In your point of view, can you share how is different from Steam and Medium?
replied 1926d
Can I ask you for an invitation?
replied 1926d
I remember when:
- I had a _30_ MB (yes, that is megabyte) hard drive
- I used 5¼" 360 KB (yes, that is kilobyte) floppy disks
- I connected to _BBS_ with a 9600 baud modem
1926d · Bitcoin SV
How is BSV (the currency) doing lately anyways? Is it being used in day to day transactions and interactions? (Seriously, I really don't know/am not aware…)
replied 1926d
Memo dev actually read this thread from time to time. And have previously acted on what is found here.
1926d · Keybase
As for file storage, currently Keybase offers 250 gb for individual users, and 100 gb for teams. That is pretty generous!
replied 1926d
The wishful thinking for me is to be able to store BAT in my Memo account. As for XLM, maybe there would be a proxy token? Likewise, to store BCH SLP on XLM & ETH, and so on…
So here's a somewhat silly but worth pondering question. Stellar Lumens is hyped on Keybase, BAT (ETH-based) is hyped on Brave Browser, and SLP (BCH-based) is hyped on Memo.

When cross-platform interaction & trading?
replied 1926d
Don't forget, Brave takes 5% off publisher contributions. So you'd be receiving 19 BAT on a tip of 20 BAT. Good thing Uphold does not apply a withdrawal fee for BAT…
replied 1926d
replied 1926d
1926d · Brave
Brave is based on Chromium. Meaning I get to install Chrome Extensions I am already familiar with. While enjoying the much less obtrusive screen estate from the privacy-oriented browser alternative.
1926d · Brave
I use them on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. It also sync bookmarks.

The desktop version even has an embedded TOR support: opening onion links without moving from one browser to another is a breeze!
1926d · Brave

A before and after screenshot: it is not unusual to be exposed to more than one ad in a given view, as depicted on the left. Brave allows me a less distracted view.
1926d · Brave

Switching to Brave Browser has been a pleasant experience for me. Less intrusion from ads. I recommed you to download it and try it yourself.
replied 1926d
Resistance is futile.
replied 1926d
This is yet another test post. If it goes through, please tip. 😁
This is a test post. If it goes through, please ignore.