
Joined Apr 16, 2018

A storyteller suit who recently evolved into a blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast.

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replied 1929d
Good thing I checked again prior to posting on Memo where, as you may know, the blockchain is merciless on errors, including typos.

I then edited in the correction on other platforms.
replied 1929d
I wrote 'complimentary' before.

The spellchecker suggested 'complementary' as an option.

I thought, as one for whom English is not a native language, I did misspell it.

Thank you, @google, for over a decade of faithful complimentary service!
replied 1929d
Of course, to be able to receive a tip, I had to first register myself as a "creator" and go through KYC.

I welcome tips on:
replied 1929d
At first you cab only tip (spend) BAT from Brave Browser.

But recently you can also go through KYC, so you'd be able to send funds yourself to any BAT wallet.

Me... I tipped myself.
replied 1934d
Party like there's no tomorrow — YOLO!!!
replied 1934d
Thank you!

sent · 1,305 sats 1936d
1936d · Keybase
replied 1938d
Well, it is not quite the atomic clock. 😂
replied 1938d
Take part in supporting growth of renewable energy! Your support for SolarStake means acceleration and ownership of photovoltaic panel installations throughout developing countries.
1938d · SolarStake
1938d · SolarStake
The asset backed token secured by the installation of photovoltaic panels on the Helios Energy estate.
replied 1938d
This insight is a gem! 😍
1938d · Memo Suggestions
UI/UX: add the search icon ('🔍' or the like) to the search button. On seeing a row of text buttons in a glance, such icons help recognition.
1938d · Memo Suggestions
UI/UX: add the search bar to the main page.
replied 1938d
Found it. The Posts tab. I was on the main page before and didn't see a search bar or the search icon.
replied 1938d
Sorry for asking, but where is search located? (I'm on the web interface btw.)
replied 1938d
I think it is something like shared signature/key all over the place for all shares, and there's an individual key for each account, team, device, folder, etc. for granular security.
1938d · Keybase
This platform has been tickling my curiousity for the past two months. The most amusing bit for a blockchain enthusiast such as myself is that encryption is propagated individually to all devices.
1938d · Keybase
Discussion on the platform that allows secure groups, files, and chat for everyone!
replied 1938d
OOT: That is one way to go about it. The other is maintaining and posting as an (ultimately expendable) alter ego.
replied 1938d
Not that there's many, but it has happened in the past. Can't think of anything on top of my mind though.
2043d · Bitcoin SV
I'm not a fan of BSV nor XP, but to learn someone is running Windows XP on Bitcoin SV is very amusing! #BSV,39959.html
replied 2064d
Price decoupling, where BCH becomes less affected by/less dependant of BTC price fluctuations.