AustEcon [SV]

Joined May 04, 2018

Voluntaryist. Austrian economics. Truth, Liberty & Bitcoin cash.

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2219d ·
We're up to 7MB now.
2219d ·
We're up over 6MB!
2219d ·
top up. Anyone else with experience posting very large posts / blogs or just books like I am trying?
2219d ·
10 minutes because I've done 25 chunks? It's at 10%. Last time (with less money in account it stopped at 6%). I still have money in account though so it doesn't seem like I need to
2219d ·
I'm trying to use to post books for the stress test. I am getting an error of "Unable to query just broadcasted tx after timeout);" Do I just need to wait?
2220d ·
Is there a way to do this and make it easy to search for and collate it back into the original text??? I'd rather do this if I'm going to dumb ++ BCH onto stress test...
2220d ·
How do we publish books onto the blockchain?
2220d ·
(I think it would be like him to pull something like this). Miners should not be still running with 8mb blocks especially at a time like this.
2220d ·
Looking forward to the stress test. Got my script ready. I'm also looking forward to CSW orphaning miners who don't accept 32mb blocks! :)
2260d ·
oh my god that is retarded ^^ snake vs mouse...
2268d · Capitalism
Is Tokeda vs GROUP. I massively in favour of Tokeda. Johannes Vermorel knows what he is doing.
2268d · Capitalism
Beats the fuck outta me kokansei. I think the ratio of ancaps in BCH has significantly improved (we're predominantly big blockers) for industrial scale... but still some work to up
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
Maybe there can be "Grand archival master node repositories" where every piece of metadata crap is stored forever and you pay to query it for research purposed
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
Tokeda is perfect. I can see it lasting 1000 years. It is perfectly sustainable and dynamic at every level. Market driven. Massively scalable.
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
this going... this is normal. Healthy. Economically sensible. If your token fails and goes to zero... the archival miners can stop persisting this in the UTX :)
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
You can have shit-tokens that are maintained in the UTX if you're willing to pay... but long term at scale you will need to be profitable and of value to keep
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
all to store every last piece of crap ever broadcast onto the blockchain... this is crazy. OP_RETURN metadata has always been prunable from the UTXO for a reason
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
miners to perform this (sweeten the deal). Currently bitcoin cash is in infancy so miners are ALL archival. This will not be forever. GROUP wants to force them
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
If one day, miners do not want to store all of the metadata of, we will all just have to cough up a little extra 1sat/byte or whatever to pay archival
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
If you are against Tokeda then you're basically saying that is impossible and can't work. But here it is... working!
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
Simon Van Gelder. So a national currency on GROUP would not need to have any proof that they hold the asset as promised??? What is your argument?
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
Just please please do not push for GROUP to be included in a hasty hardfork to cure the bear market. Give it time. This idea is very new. I am strongly against
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
79b79aa8 I can call it "GROUP" that's fine. But you're wrong. GROUP adds NOTHING. amazon just whitelist approved ids... you can transfer all you value
2268d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
Tokeda does everything that OP_GROUP can do and much much more. OP_GROUP adds nothing good. But does add a lot of bad (affects scaling massively)
I am definately a Tokeda concept supporter. NOT a fan of OP_GROUP at all.