Your power LED-indicator turned it's color from green to yellow, as you switching into standby power safe mode. System begun full scan of your current state into backup image.
We just using functions of our private wallets (timelock and multisig), like Electrum for BTC, can setup our exchange in a way that there is only two possible results: 100% done or 0% done.
doesn't sound cool? yes, nothing so cool if we trading on public exchange or trust each other. Atomic swap is a way to exchange(trade) without trust and without public exchange-escrow.
what do you think atomic swap means? as i understand it is a few steps exchange (for example some 3 steps). 1 2 3. begin 1 2 3 done! if step 3 fails everything rolling back to pre-begin state.
MATCH #4/64
Friday, 15 Jun, 18:00 UTC
1) Place your bets as tips. (Max 1,000,000 sats per bet)
2) Post a message along your vote (bet)
Decentralized images/files hosting. Maybe something like ipfs.. For example to post image I share link to file from shared folder on my harddrive, and it's copied after each view.
You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.
Blinded by candle's light, in dusk of blurry remembered room you almost running towards the exit. Entrance door is still open, you are outside. At the end of road again.
Your power LED-indicator turned it's color from green to yellow, as you switching into standby power safe mode. System begun full scan of your current state into backup image.