Sk8eM dUb

Joined Apr 16, 2018

Chicago native in Tokyo. Technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism are satanic systems to turn you into a domesticated animal that's easy to slaughter. THX 1138

Jesus is Lord. Deal with it.


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Just made a new SLP token, antimatter5 Token (A5T).
Follow me, like this post and comment to receive a FREE 1000 A5T!
I have been reading a lot of btc fan boys posts, some really idiotic some more articulated. I found that basically the real issue is that btc people don't mind FIAT. They are ok with it. They don't need Bitcoin.
Only 4395 satohis left: I have to refill :D
If you want crypto to be a successes what is so important to be part of btc or eos or whatever group? You want to be part to the project that can be the world cash. That means you gotta join BCH now and accelerate it.
2329d ·
Great job on the stress test to all who participated! Now, either get to work or get lost! Giant opportunity to fix holes and identify problems! Let the beatings begin...
"95k Transactions in one block!!!!"

Hello Visa
Hello Mastercard
Hello Amazon
Hello Alibaba

there's a new way to pay
#TheNewMoney is

2330d ·
He’s absolutely right that Jihan could have prevented Segwit but didn’t. So who make the biggest mistake in Bitcoin history? Jihan
2332d · memo
Memo has reached 200,000 on-chain actions!
replied 2332d
Torn between the choice of "meme" and "demigod"
Everyone here is an actual dues-paying demigod.
as opposed to merely a twit, gabber or plain 'user'.
I still prefer demigod, but.
2360d · Stress Test Games
Guess the total amount paid in fees.
2360d · Stress Test Games
guess the highest fees paid in a Block
2360d · Stress Test Games
Guess the highest output count
2360d · Stress Test Games
Guess The TOTAL number of confirmed transaction in the first 24 hours
2360d · Stress Test Games
Guess the total number of Transaction in 48 hours
“I believe that being despised by the despicable is as good as being admired by the admirable.” - Kurt Hofmann
2337d · US Politics/Trump
Silly troll... McStain died for his treason to the great US of A. He will not be missed or remembered.
2337d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Yawn! Small minds talk personalities. Big minds talk ideas. Goodnight children.
"Let’s eliminate the limit. Nothing bad will happen if we do. And if I’m wrong, the bad things would be mild annoyances, not existential risks." -- Gavin Andresen
replied 2339d
Sk8eM dUb
fair enough. gotta be willing to change. "All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you." - Ghost in the Shell
2340d · memo
I really like this website, people that you find in here is not like ''normal'' people you meet in the streets, I enjoy reading all topics in here and making friends. I love
2345d ·
replied 2346d
If you guys want more active and diversified users on Memo try posting about things other than crypto.

Having talks always be about it makes this a crypto focused platform rather than a platform powered by crypto!
2355d · Bitcoin Cash
“Record Breaking” Asics Powered by Samsung Tech, Bitmain in the dust. - competition is good!
replied 2355d
"In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books." Sigmund Freud. A sort of progress.