Chicago native in Tokyo. Technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism are satanic systems to turn you into a domesticated animal that's easy to slaughter. THX 1138
I have been reading a lot of btc fan boys posts, some really idiotic some more articulated. I found that basically the real issue is that btc people don't mind FIAT. They are ok with it. They don't need Bitcoin.
If you want crypto to be a successes what is so important to be part of btc or eos or whatever group? You want to be part to the project that can be the world cash. That means you gotta join BCH now and accelerate it.
Great job on the stress test to all who participated! Now, either get to work or get lost! Giant opportunity to fix holes and identify problems! Let the beatings begin...
Another suggestion: 'meme' Homepages ->-example->- would be a business-card-friendly alias for
Torn between the choice of "meme" and "demigod" Everyone here is an actual dues-paying demigod. as opposed to merely a twit, gabber or plain 'user'. I still prefer demigod, but.
"Let’s eliminate the limit. Nothing bad will happen if we do. And if I’m wrong, the bad things would be mild annoyances, not existential risks." -- Gavin Andresen
That I agree with. I guess I'm talking more about labeling yourself. Big difference between calling yourself a "musician" and a "feminist", or even a "capitalist".
fair enough. gotta be willing to change. "All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you." - Ghost in the Shell
I really like this website, people that you find in here is not like ''normal'' people you meet in the streets, I enjoy reading all topics in here and making friends. I love
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it.
The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.
"In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books." Sigmund Freud. A sort of progress.