Chicago native in Tokyo. Technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism are satanic systems to turn you into a domesticated animal that's easy to slaughter. THX 1138
John 19:15 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.
You know it's all over when you hear rumours that not only has Jihan Wu been demoted, but also Donald J. Trump has just telephoned Craig S. Wright to congratulate him and ask him "how did you win so bigly, any tips?"
Ben Swann to launch 24hr news streaming platform in response to widespread #censorship - Content permanently recorded on the blockchain, creators & users rewarded with cryptocurrency
what the fuck?
Are you a word twister?
It's in writing
I said:
There is room in the world for both permission/less can not exist without each other.
It aint perfect but it's valid! Silver is going to start getting used in medical applications more and more, looks like a fantastic buy. Anybody know where I can bag leverage on silver futures?
Silver also works well as a deterrent against vampires. Strong buy recommendation from me as well.
We need to migrate over to memo and yours from r\btc and make the trolls/ABC shills put their money where their mouth is - pay for your rudeness and madness on the BCH blockchain and at least contribute SOMETHING
Just noticed the language option box has a American flag next to English. Outrageous, I'm going to need a cup of tea and a pen to write a very polite but angry letter.
This says every Family Mart in Japan will take BCH from 12/4. I'll comb through it later to make sure it's confirmed and not just a rumor.
Please help me guys.. I was unable to pay my university fee due to some incident in my family. I have to pay $450 for this year. I apologize to disturb this community but i am needy. Got this platform after long serch