Chicago native in Tokyo. Technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism are satanic systems to turn you into a domesticated animal that's easy to slaughter. THX 1138
The Matrix Trilogy,
Everyone is a program.over 2 layers
Neo is AI, going through its 6th improvement Love
Smith is virus cloned Neo to enter layer2 to destroy the AI.
The virus failed and the AI rebooted and improved
Which is why all the Neos look the same but make different choices in the same situation(which the machines can’t understand)
The Matrix Trilogy,
Everyone is a program.over 2 layers
Neo is AI, going through its 6th improvement Love
Smith is virus cloned Neo to enter layer2 to destroy the AI.
The virus failed and the AI rebooted and improved
I have an alternate theory. Neo’s DNA code is a close match of the original AI designer who the machines must obey/implant with real-world control tech.
Qanon is a do your own research kind of thing. If you're too low IQ to fact check legitimacy for yourself the Q is certainly not meant for you. Stick to CNN and sitcoms.
"Qanon is a do your own research kind of thing" is an NPC response. I've heard it from a dozen other Qbots.
Qanon is a do your own research kind of thing. If you're too low IQ to fact check legitimacy for yourself the Q is certainly not meant for you. Stick to CNN and sitcoms.
I payed attention for about 6 months but Q never told me anything I didn't already know from other sources. Also it has the hallmarks of a COINTELPRO op. A long con. Research that!
Q may originate in the US but it is a worldwide movement. No matter where you're from I can guarantee your government is completely corrupt and an arm of the deepstate. Take France, Q signs galore.
Sorry buddy. When it starts to sound like a religion I'm out. When I see bots copy-pasting meaningless hashtags and groupthink.... Q is a deepstate op and they got you all by the nose.
***TRANSCRIPT: The Corbett Report 2/22/2019 "The Crisis of Science"***
In 2015 a study from the Institute of Diet and Health with some surprising results launched a slew of click bait articles with explosive headlines:
“Chocolate accelerates weight loss” insisted one such headline.
“Scientists say eating chocolate can help you lose weight” declared another.
“Lose 10% More Weight By Eating A Chocolate Bar Every Day…No Joke!” promised yet another.
There was just one problem: This was a joke.
The head researcher of the study, “Johannes Bohannon,” took to io9 in May of that year to reveal that his name was actually John Bohannon, the “Institute of Diet and Health” was in fact nothing more than a website, and the study showing the magical weight loss effects of chocolate consumption was bogus. The hoax was the brainchild of a German television reporter who wanted to “demonstrate just how easy it is to turn bad science into the big headlines behind diet fads.”
The Chinese people have no power to decide what the government does.
Let me clarify - when I'm speaking of geopolitics and I use the word "China" I'm speaking of the Globalist controlled entity known as the Chinese Communist Party. Every actual Chinese person I personally know are unique, beautiful and intelligent human beings that I love and consider to be brothers and sisters. I dream that in my lifetime they can have a constitutional, limited, nationalist government that empowers and encourages them instead of enslaves and murders them. I pray that they can rediscover their deep, ancient culture that these power-mad demons have stolen from them.
Oh man I'm looking at this 65000 character limit and I'm getting major blank page phobia. Should we talk about China? How they're backing Maduro and Trump is backing Juan Guaido. Muslim congress member saying Trump is backing a "far right coup"(meaning anything right of Mao). Fox freaking out about it.... uhhhhhh wasn't the USA a coup? We're supposed *like* when nations tell their internationally allingned dictators where they can shove it.
9 year old Sumire Nakamura from Osaka to become the youngest Japanese professional Go player in history. Her ascent has kindled hopes that Japan will make a comeback in international competition.
Just because it can be changed, and maybe it should be changed - does not necessarily make a particular change a GOOD change. Same base philosophy error as progressivism in general.
I mean, I agree. Is just that this word I encounter so rarely lately. I heard first time this word in a small hotel in Tehran from Sweedish gay and Belgian feminist. Go figure.
It's one of those concepts that's just complicated enough that most people haven't wrapped their heads around it. Also, I think the commie takeover techniques in general are suppressed
Divide and conquer is really splitting something in 2, but crypto has been shattered into a thousand little sub-groups, so I thought the classic foreign take-over technique was apropos
Yeah we'll see how committed to Balkanizing(read killing) crypto the Chinese government/world bank types are. It's possible they'll just discard Jihan and move on to the next strategy.