Chicago native in Tokyo. Technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism are satanic systems to turn you into a domesticated animal that's easy to slaughter. THX 1138
Instead of holding all your funds in one corrupt and hack-prone exchange, a bunch of corrupt and hack-prone exchanges will link themselves together so that it is much easier to move your funds from one[...]to another.
" time frames and in results which are not easily understood, or which can be, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to some kind of simplistic definition." - David Lang
"...unfortunately, that populates the earth. We have to take almost an elitist program, [so] that we can see beyond our swollen bellies, and look to the future..."
UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 "I suggest therefore that this be sold not through a democratic process. That would take too long and devour far too much of the funds to educate the cannon fodder..."
Pretty sure Devil's Triangle is a minagetois Skull and Bones sex ritual. BK is probably a Trojan Horse.. Also, coincidentally the Arch of Ba'al has been erected in D.C.
If I were senator I'd just be trolling at this point. I'd go up there and say "we all know what our votes will be so I'll use this time to rub in the fact that you're a bunch a stupid losers nanananananaaaannaapbpbpbb
I'm keeping an eye on the senate vote. Briefly turned the volume up to hear what Schumer was saying and heard at least 3 hypocritical statements in less than ten seconds. Impressive actually.
For the record, I think Kavinaugh is an extremely bad scotus pick for many reasons. I hope Trump picked him as an attempt to force a discussion of unconstitutional/tyrannical crap like the patriot act. Swamp thing.