
Joined Jun 06, 2018

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2457d · memo
wonder if you could do private messages by encrypting your message with their public address so only they could decrypt it.. sorta like pgp.
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2485d · Send a message to the future
BCH pls? 1AUB946aZ5duh9qjXWhgaeS8oaaB1i84C9
2454d · BTC is Bitcoin / BCH is an Altcoin.
I like spanners more than screwdrivers
2454d · memo
Like gmail, you need a few seconds delay before actually sending, with a cancel button and preferably a preview.
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2475d · Your Mom
loves you very much and wants you to give her a call
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2474d · memo
BTW: thanks for the satoshis guys - back to my initial deposit now
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2475d · Your Mom
loves you very much and wants you to give her a call
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2474d · memo
BTW: thanks for the satoshis guys - back to my initial deposit now
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2457d · memo
@Rozjemca35 I think memo needs some sort of PM system eventually.. which have to be private. Eventually even maybe private topics. btw don't suppose we could get @name tab completion somehow?
random liker
replied 2473d
or you pay satoshis for posting and give away your privacy for free?
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2468d · Airdrop to Venezuela in replace of bolivar
Why not have a new crypto that you could use for barter - it would be more tolerated? Asking for BCH is just getting value from abroad that people use to flee
random liker
replied 2473d
or you pay satoshis for posting and give away your privacy for free?
random liker
2473d · memo
cool guys, notifications! great to see feedback being implemented so quickly