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saved 179d
Alright. Sorry about that.

You are right. I don't know how much either of you work. I only know how much you complain.

In fact, I will remember you forever for saying the most victim mentality thing I have ever heard or read:

"The world is stacked against me."

And I thank you for that.

/trolltoll remove @72476
saved 179d
It must be incredibly hard to be God.

You set your creatures free inside of the most amazing miracle, give them absolutely everything including freedom, but all they ever do is ask for more, whine, cry, blame you, fight and kill each other and turn gay.
saved 179d
It must be incredibly hard to be God.

You set your creatures free inside of the most amazing miracle, give them absolutely everything including freedom, but all they do is ask for more, whine, cry, blame you and turn gay.
saved 179d
Gold is real. And it doesn't just disappear from your hands.
saved 179d
To have a look is fine, I really like it when people post screenshots or links to interesting things on twitter.

But once you join you get sucked into a black hole of insanity, hatred, stupidity, propaganda and delusions.

Then you leave and all that noise just fades away from your mind…
saved 179d
You see Sonya's posts and you think she's got a lot of "land, money and time"

I see them and I think she's doing a LOT of work.

You wouldn't survive a month living her life. You'd be crying all day blaming God for making you work "like a slave".

But yeah, in your mind it all seems easy and fun - when you imagine it.

The problem isn't the situation you are in, it's your victimhood attitude. You take it with you to every new situation. You'll always blame others. God, Lizards, jews, anyone but yourself.

If you want your life to become better, start with taking responsibility instead of blaming everyone else like a toddler.

This may sound harsh, but I write it with love. You seem to have suffered a lot. Maybe it's time to do something about it.

/trolltoll remove @0
saved 180d

nChain Global renames TerraNode to TerraLunaNode, "to curb your enthusiasm"

"We feel like the name TerraLunaNode creates more realistic expectations than the rather pompous and cocky 'TerrnaNode', because of the associations it evokes. We also considered 'TerraNose', but our sensitivity department intervened last minute."
saved 180d

BSV truth agents have discovered hitherto unknown information about Craig Wright.

According to several Twitter accounts he is a "69th degree Thethan of the ancient order of the dragon" and is capable of "quantum magic"

"We thought he was just a genius playing 5D chess, but boy were we mistaken… we first realized that things weren't what we thought they were when nothing he did ever worked out, but then it dawned on us: he is on a whole different level where all the things that make no sense on the level of mere mortals makes A LOT of sense."
saved 180d
Personally, I stay out of conflicts between the circumcised.

Not my war.
saved 180d
I don't know, but if any other nation would bomb the embassy of another nation people would probably think that's not acceptable.

Maybe there should be some kind of international law that is binding to every nation without exception, just a thought.

Anyway, we are now galloping towards hot ww3. What a time to be alive…
saved 180d
The best way I know to strengthen the soul is to do things that body and mind don't want to do.

Voluntary suffering.

This is especially useful for those who haven't even discovered their souls yet.

When things get really hard but we keep voluntarily going anyway, the different parts become easy to differentiate.

Body and mind will scream and whine and find excuses, but the voice of the soul will insist we keep going and fulfill our promise to ourselves.

Being able to fulfill the promise we have given to ourselves, no matter how hard it gets, is a great marker for soul development.
saved 180d
In the end it comes all down to which one we feed, if you ask me.

I'd we don't feed the soul, body and mind will reign without supervision and we are not much different than an animal.

The more we feed and develop the soul the more we reach an equilibrium where body and mind are in their rightful place instead of running wild, and the soul watches over them and holds the reins.
saved 180d
I think all three influence each other.

And maybe the mind is the part that body and soul are fighting over.

It seems like the mind is a hellscape of illusions and delusions of grandeur when it is under control of the body. It becomes the body's apologist, finding excuses for all it's selfish desires ("I'm special, I'm a victim" etc).

But when the soul takes over the mind it becomes a beautiful and useful tool able to deal with ethics, truth and problem solving.

But realistically, there seems to be mostly a state of change, where sometimes the body controls the mind and sometimes the soul, at least inside of those who put up a fight.

Those who don't put up a fight will have their mind completely controlled by the body (beast), and the soul in a coma.
saved 180d
Can you point me to where someone is demanding Satoshi coins be frozen?

All I know is that the judge froze 6.5 million dollars of Craig's funds because there is concern he might not pay what he owes after COPA.
saved 180d
The idea that there is something like "too much freedom" which then leads to tyranny, is based on a very strange idea of freedom, a Satanist idea of freedom, if you will, that doesn't grasp freedom as a whole, but as an exclusively personal concept as in "I do whatever I want" or "do as thou wilt".

But freedom makes little sense unless ot is seen as relational. Freedom as a whole isn't increased by violating other people's rights, it is diminished.
saved 180d
The great difficulty of talking about anarchy is that it means completely opposite things to different people.

To some it means order, to most it means chaos.

Order means the same rules for everyone (no rulers), chaos means no rules.
saved 181d

Local man sticking out like a sore thumb for wearing a dress, high heels and makeup says what he really needs is "more visibility."

"Thank Baphomet Biden finally said what no president before him dared to say: we need to be seen more. Much more. Hardly anyone notices us. It hurts. I want everyone to look at me all the time."
saved 181d
All I know about social media (I don't really count Twetch because of it's size) is that the short phases I was on Twitter to get some information quickly ended up drowning me in all kinds of bs, which made getting the information way too costly.

It's like inviting the scum of the earth into your house hoping a sage or two may be amongst them.
saved 181d
If someone is truly advanced on the path, others are hardly able to understand a word when he tries to tell them about it, like someone venturing deep into underground tunnels trying in vain to communicate with those at the entrance.

The only ones who can say something intelligible about the path are those who are still at the very beginning, and they don't know enough about it to be anyone's teacher or leader, if they are honest.
saved 181d
On the adventure of having been set free inside of the miracle, there are helpers and adversaries, but there is no competition.

It's not a Hollywood adventure where some bad guys are constantly trying to beat you to the treasure.

The perceived competition comes from being stuck in the mind, missing out on the adventure in favor of cheap ego gratification.
saved 181d
That's pretty close to Piura, the women of which used to be blessed with very uncommon beauty.

A couple of decades ago it was quite a sight to be hold, and rather unexpected in Peru. People would stop and wonder what was going on, eyes wide, mouths open.

Don't know about today, though.

Maybe they are all ugly lesbians now.
saved 181d
Well, Jesus wasn't lying like there's no tomorrow, was he now?

Craig on the other hand, Satoshi or not, is a pathological liar, something that doesn't seem to go well with judges, courts and the law, unsurprisingly.

He's not being crucified, he's finally getting a taste of the cost of lying.
saved 181d
Who do you mean by "we"?

Because your definition of the mind is most certainly not even very common.

Mind isn't just a capacity, and even less one for ONLY rational thought.

The mind is full of irrationality, this is impossible to deny.

I'd argue that a mind guided by the soul becomes ethical and rational. But that most certainly isn't it's only state, nor the most common one.

Anyway, I was hoping you were aware of scripture on the dangers of the mind, but I take it you aren't, or you probably would have answered my question.
saved 181d
It's very hard to see the miracle
from within the mind.
saved 182d
Now that Twetch isn't searchable through powco anymore (at least for me), it is close to useless.

There's no point in putting data on chain if you can't retrieve it.