The standard of living we have today is higher than in all of human history due to economic growth. This happened in spite of the state, not because of the state.
Bitcoin Cash is following the original Bitcoin roadmap while BTC forked off in a strange direction with segwit, LN, fee market, small blocks, rbf, soft forks, and so on. Bitcoin is BCH.
The Segwit "scaling solution" was too little, and too late to save BTC.
The world is moving on to BCH.
There is objective evidence that proves the more BTC is used as intended(cash) the average fees rise and confirmation times take longer #NeverForget. Bitcoin (BCH) works and scales!
LTC with its "digital silver" shows how easy it is to trick crypto investors. Silver exists alongside gold because it has actual, different use cases, not because it has a 2nd chance at being an early investor.
We currently have 37 restaurants & supermarkets & hotels accepting Bitcoin Cash payments, you can live from Bitcoin Cash completely In Barcelona.