While the SEC is busy trying to persecute Elon Musk for being one of the USA's best entrepreneurs, anyone can buy citizenship from a sane country with #BitcoinCash today. https://coingeek.com/cip/ #Tesla#SpaceX
A govt that wants to do bad things to its citizens will do them by controlling the flow of information in order to make the bad things look like good things. (Just like /r/Bitcoin)
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it. The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.
If one reads the Bitcoin defining white paper, and is honest with one’s self, it is clear that it is describing BCH, not BTC. https://bitcoin.com/bitcoin.pdf
The standard of living we have today is higher than in all of human history due to economic growth. This happened in spite of the state, not because of the state.
Bitcoin Cash is following the original Bitcoin roadmap while BTC forked off in a strange direction with segwit, LN, fee market, small blocks, rbf, soft forks, and so on. Bitcoin is BCH.