Are there any plans for a rising price which would make writing on memo too expensive to comfortably use? Like 100.000 times the current price.
I've heard that 1 sat/byte is actually pretty expensive. Mass usage is going to make mining way more profitable so I think we'll eventually get standard fees much lower than that.
Sorry for the downtime. Traffic on memo increased 10x starting at 8am. Not sure if it was organic or not but it fits a similar pattern that was seen yesterday. Turning on CloudFlare DDOS protection brought site back.
Thank you for the tip and congratulations on France winning. I watched the game and was cheering for Croatia. Moving on to bigger wins on the horizon such as crypto adoption!
Yup, platforms like are certainly going to help with adoption
The Segwit "scaling solution" was too little, and too late to save BTC.
The world is moving on to BCH.
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LTC with its "digital silver" shows how easy it is to trick crypto investors. Silver exists alongside gold because it has actual, different use cases, not because it has a 2nd chance at being an early investor.
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