
Joined May 02, 2018

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replied 2291d
Yes the script length which is the # of op-codes, but not the payload size of the op_return which is a single op-code.
replied 2297d
Why are you even here? You have nothing better to do with your time then to parrot “bcash”? Get a life. Your pathetic
replied 2297d
LMAO. I knew they would be the one's adding it. Right again.
replied 2297d
Welcome back! BCH Hodlers🎉
replied 2309d
Assuming a 50-50 split, a transaction on ABC's chain will not be visible to 50% of current memo users on SV. So lesser users on memo on each chain -> less incentive to use memo
replied 2313d
White men are people too
According to jtoomin SV doesn't stand a chance. So they're only trying to intimidate the market.
replied 2314d
Bye Felicia.
2370d · Bitcoin Cash
Other than that, I absolutely agree with everything in this article by deadalnix: https://www.yours.org/content/making-bitcoin-cash-predictable-d7640d134a4a
replied 2370d
not so clear cut. is adding an op_code complicating, or enabling the code? there is value in scripts being human readable.
White men are people too
2370d · Flat Earth
Ever tried walking up a hill? On Earth? Bam! EARTH IS NOT FLAT!
Craig Wright is a burden for BCH. He is a machine of creating confusion, frightening talented people and telling one lie after another. I hope he makes his fork and competes in the market.
replied 2371d
Wow. Words that came right out of Trumps mouth. More evidence you don't think for yourself. You clearly are a Trump Fudge Digger. Keep smokin that crack pipe.
replied 2371d
Who said I was left? You Trumptards think that if you are against Trump it's automatically a liberal. That makes you even more of a moron.
replied 2371d
Why don't you go fuck a gorilla and call it a day.
#ABC jtoomim proposes a fix for the transaction relay throttle, thought to be the bottleneck of the September stress test https://reviews.bitcoinabc.org/D1782
2371d · GreatSleep
A dinosaur.
replied 2372d
Trump has told over 4700 lies. He tells 8 lies a day. You are the one smoking crack. Get off Faux news. Idiot.
2372d · memo
Well there are already a few Nazis posting here so if they bring their hateful racist friends then people could flag any memo app as racist and the big dumb corporations would block it.
Will there be a Memo mute button? I like to see the newest memos from time to time but it seems like it's mostly playBCH posts. I have nothing against playBCH, but I don't need to see every time someone made a bet.
replied 2372d
You are too fucking stupid to know that he did. After all it's not a lie if you believe it. Right?
En Fri Mand
replied 2372d
I have no hash power.
replied 2373d
Well that's almost as many lies he has told since he has been in office.
I am Satoshi
replied 2373d
link?? would love to see it. I liked him up to the live broadcast of the BCH fork on Aug 1st. Him and tone vays thought it would die in minutes. Hearing them live was comedy gold