
Joined May 02, 2018

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Tonight will be my first steps down the rabbit hole in Bitcoin application development. I have been programming (just hobby stuff) for 15 years. If you know of any great resources please let me know.
I'm still looking for one person that changed teams from BCH *to* BTC. I've seen the converse many times now. Anyone find one in the wild that is legit?
The thing I like most about Memo is that it makes the trolls face the dilemma of letting discussion go uninterrupted here or increase the usage of BCH.
replied 2129d
be careful with tipping in this thread :)
To the creators of Memo: You guys came up with such a great name. It's perfect.

"Did you see my memo?"

Not to mention memo.cash has such a nice ring to it. (memo.sv, not so much)

Recent interview I did with shitcoin.com about Bitcoin Cash privacy. Covers CashShuffle and Neutrino. Let me know what you think!

I really dislike how most of crypto discussion and media attention is more on price/speculation and not on usability as a currency. Adoption is achieved because of merchants and customers, not because of price.
2131d · Flat Earth
Eratosthenes: bullshit
Copernicus: bullshit
Galileo: bullshit
Newton: bullshit
Some college dropout living in his mom's basement: gospel

The flat earth "movement" is made up of uneducated rubes
replied 2131d
It's important to drive as much onchain adoption as possible, so that there are enough transactions for miners to collect the fees to cover mining costs after block rewards are dropped
Announcing the all new CoinSpice Show. Corentin Mercier, a skilled developer in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem, joins Hayden Otto on the channel as co-hosts.
#bitcoin #bitcoincash #podcast
Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, deal with it!
replied 2284d
exactly right, they don't understand it because most of the people are highly brainwashed and they don't even know it
replied 2289d
"SV" is capitalist. "sv" is lowercasist. "Sv" is a melting pot of cases.
Anyone in ABC memo has his coins splitted? Please tip this post so I can split them too.