how to troll the ABC-chain - have an extended multi-day stress-test, by creating ~50MB worth of TXs every 10 mins -> SV will eat all of it while ABC will fall over, accumulate a queue worthy of BTC; ABC-fees will moon
You know very well that SV can not handle 50MB every 10 minutes. The sustained throughput is around 10-15MB every 10 minutes.
CSW didn't attack BCH, Roger and Jihan did by forking away from the white paper, and removing nakamoto consensus.
If it wasn't for them BCH would be over $1000 right now.
But if someone puts something in the chain that Amaury doesn't like his nudes they'll checkpoint them out. That's impossible in all other Bitcoin implementations 🎅🤷
LOL. The name, CHECKPOINT, means that something is checkpointed IN, not out. You silly troll!
Anyone in ABC memo has his coins splitted? Please tip this post so I can split them too.
You have to consolidate them with already split coin in some external wallet. I used Electron Cash. Since then, I received many new tips, and don't know if they are split, too.
It should be the same complexity as normal sig verify but I guess you can put many of them in one TX. Otherwise Ryan's point about DSV being a subsidy doesn't make sense.
Bitcoin protocol seems to be a system that is finely tuned economically & legally; ABC is reckless with its changes. Just adding DSV has a good chance of making BCH a target of SEC.
Why are you repeating this DSV FUD each day? You already know it's nonsense.
Memo for instance. My answer may came after yours in next block (even if here there is explicit causality because I'm "quoting" you)
Makes me a bit sad because I like the fact you ..
That's not dependent transaction. Posts and answers may come in any order. CTOR doesn't change that.
ABC doesn't look like it's getting bigger blocks anytime soon. Also the REASON for bigger blocks is very important. SV wants millions/day more txns on chain as soon as possible.
ABC doesn't look like it's getting bigger blocks anytime soon. Also the REASON for bigger blocks is very important. SV wants millions/day more txns on chain as soon as possible.
Codebase is the same. Limit is 500x over the demand. Certainly enough until next year. About millions tx/day, from where, who do you think is so eager to use the blockchain?
Because the more you know Bitcoin, the more likely you are to dislike what ABC has done to Bitcoin. Memo users are more likely to know Bitcoin, thus more likely to disagree with ABC.
The opposite, the more you understand Bitcoin, the more likely you are to like BCH!