
Joined May 02, 2018

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The BCH Gang goes to meet Calvin
En Fri Mand
replied 2077d
I would say all crypto are actually fiat currencies. Crypto has no intrinsic value which is what fiat means.
replied 2077d
Since I joined Memo, I have been using reddit less and less. Memo (along with bitdb and mttr.app) makes me excited about the future of Bitcoin Cash.
Very interesting and accurate I think: Bitcoin Cash fair value based on transactions and other data is 1,900$. Right now is 400$ - https://www.coinfairvalue.com/
Ugh, really need to be able to hide/mute posts from certain people on here. The posts from playbch and "Alex Jones" would be the first to go. Maybe a should learn Go and make a git pull...
Everything you need to know about the Bitcoin Cash Fork

Chris Pacia, Lead developer for Open Bazaar, shares his thoughts with me about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash Fork
Crypto currency as a purely speculative vehicle is no better than pyramid schemes.
2078d · Translation Helpers
This topic is for people to announce their willingness to help translate content in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
replied 2078d
He is the only one because you also have to validate the block before sending it. This is where the real scaling issue is. Moores law is dead and we need multi threading to compensate
I personally do not think that is doable, as nothing retains value without being useful.
replied 2080d
Wow man. In one breath you sound like you support BCH and your doing your best to promote it and in the next you sound like you hate BCH with the passion. Wtf?
2079d · Chris Pacia Blogs
2079d · Chris Pacia Blogs
replied 2079d
I think your tin foil hat is on way too tight. People learn about BCH and it’s value through Roger or others and they decide to invest and the price goes up...that’s economics.
replied 2079d
That shows you that BTCers absolutely have no idea of how LN works and why they still support it.
replied 2079d
Sk8eM dUb
Someone said it, and everybody followed. The original intent was cash. Then it didn't work and the BTC core people yelled "Store of Value" and the followers yelled. OK. .
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2079d
So if BCH becomes a better store of value because of it's usage as cash(it'll be more scarce on exchanges so price goes up) then there will be no reason for BTC to exist.
replied 2079d
Bitcoin lost almost 50% of its marketshare so far due to the idiotic policies of BSCore.

This digital gold bullshit goes against basic logic and very basic economics.
replied 2080d
True. And you are a F*cking moron. I could see why Roger Ver didn't want anything to do with you.
replied 2080d
So the problem with BCH is your vandetta against Roger Ver and has nothing to do with the coin. So your revenge is to pump dash all day? LOL
En Fri Mand
replied 2081d
I think it's a great name. People associating Bitcoin to money - I don't see that as a bad thing
replied 2081d
No matter what he calls it, it's not exclusive to BCH so I don't really care what he calls it.
replied 2081d
Basically, the name "Money Button" helps to onboard non-bitcoin users...
replied 2081d
Please don't. The anti-science, anti-intellectualism anti-fact people that support those things will only make this place look bad
2087d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Really. Obviously a lot to fix with the miners nodes