
Joined Apr 24, 2018

“Divide and rule, the politician cries; Unite and lead, is watchword of the wise.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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replied 2138d
Gambling is the core of Bitcoin's early success. "Unlicensed"? Bitcoin is above jurisdictions. No court can delete this memo. Moving forward OP_RETURN and DSV will enable so much more
replied 2151d
I'm not crazy about rushing CTOR & prefer NOFORK for now, but definitely not interested in anything that a group associated with that CSW nutjob proposes.
Hello Memo!

btcfork has moved its main uncensored on chain presence from Blockpress.com to Memo.

Good to be here.
replied 2234d
replied 2233d
Blockpress died because the site didnt work for half the people trying to use it, myself included; never even got past registering with it.
Memo definitely could use a more friendly UX
I'm not a fan of CSW by any means. But I find myself agreeing with him this time. I believe miners should take steps to hiring devs to implement what they want. I'd like to see others follow CoinGeek's steps.
replied 2243d
Because there isn't ownership in IPFS. The blockchain allows identity ownership. Also, all transactions are viewed the same as long as you pay, so communications (txs) aren't censored
replied 2243d
Because there isn't ownership in IPFS. The blockchain allows identity ownership. Also, all transactions are viewed the same as long as you pay, so communications (txs) aren't censored
replied 2279d
LN would actually be useful for micro-transactions (less than a penny) for pay as you go services. But it cannot be a replacement for the blockchain, like blockstream is pushing for.
the revolution will not be tweeted. the revolution will be op_returned.
Hello Memo! Just testing out the site to see what it's all about. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. :)
2282d · memo
Don't have much free time these days but I haven't given up working on my memo app. There's some UI errors but those will be fixed:
Satoshi Nakamoto has allegedly reappeared and published a new paper titled Duality (fascinating read BTW)
replied 2282d
En Fri Mand
I dont think there's any way to know if this is real for sure. The paper however has a lot of details on the birth of bitcoin, lending some credibility to author's claim.
Memo update released:
- Dust consolidation for all actions
- Dashboard is now a feed of all events
- Performance improvements
- Updated profiles
- Color indicator for relative user rating
- New account page
replied 2285d
Its not freedom when people with 1 set of political ideas control the supply of money and hand it out to media outlets that support their idealogy, stifling all dissenting opinion.
2288d · Earn tips
everyone just needs to tip any post they enjoy reading. it will keep growing and going around, I am trying to do it. Are you?
#DOGE works better than #BTC. Nobody committed anything for a while. It has no RBF, no segwit, no full blocks policy. In other words technocrats did not destroy it with their micromanaged central planning mentality.
SatoshiDice.com was once the most popular application in all of crypto, now that we are back on track with Bitcoin Cash, give us a try again.
2292d · Chess
I suggest making a chess game between two groups in which every user has a vote for the next move and the move with most votes is played.
Ayyy I got Memo++ working on Firefox... literally needed just one change in the manifest. 😑😑😑
2292d · Direct/Private Messages
I love it.. I think you're a bit beyond me with some of this stuff, but I wanted to point out paste.city for example does exactly the post/update txt files thing for free now.
I haven't been hooked on a site like this since first discovering Reddit and Twitter. As someone that has been fairly active for a little over a week now... This is a big deal. Game-changer, for sure.
2294d · Direct/Private Messages
Of course, the messages wouldn't be stored in the blockchain forever, but I think for private/direct messages that's actually fine/what you'd want. Anyway, any thoughts/problems? :)