Also, can we please disable “send by pressing return” and switch it to ctrl/cmd+return. Posting to blockchain is a bit different scenarios than instant messaging.
@modulus Treating specific “replies” as “reposts” is an “exception” to definition of a “reply”. Why creating some strange logical constructions if there is a straightforward solution?
If a lot of users tagged a post as "offensive" it can be greyed out or even put into a virtual litter bin. A litter bit can always be audited, in extreme cases by independent blockchain explorers.
Ultimately, a tip can be included into a tag, so that you can not only like, buy also 🔥 for example. Some tags can inform the contents is offensive, as another example.
@Maladey on blockchain. Similar to "like" you can "tag" a post. Tags can be displayed once they are broadcasted, so other users can tap onto a tag and confirm it, increasing tag's strength.
@sherrykochmail, as a side effect of categorisation we will be able to tag posts with emojis akin to slack, which is the most important functionality out there 🤩
@RoyalTiffany we need a general framework to tag memo posts by any user if post creator forgot to include a NSFW or other tag. Users can endorse any existing tag (similar to "like") or propose new.
From developers side, there needs to be local Namecoin explorer running to broadcast transactions and map memo public keys to namecoin public keys, and retrieve->display names if match found.
From users side, they only need to register a name in Namecoin (two transactions, dime each) using they same private key as they use on Memo. Can be fully automated under the hood.
I believe Namecoin can solve the issue for Memo. Names can be registered within our own namespace e.g. me/memouser and if assigned to the same key as memo profile, they are displayed her in the UI
"The two parties would set up transactions on both sides such that when they both sign the transactions, the second signer's signature triggers the release of both."
Electron Cash is mostly desktop (, supports Android though, and soon iOS