
Joined Apr 24, 2018

“Divide and rule, the politician cries; Unite and lead, is watchword of the wise.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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2445d · memo
@modulus, doesn’t matter how complicated the actual condition is. It’s just a bad practice imo.
2445d · memo
Also, can we please disable “send by pressing return” and switch it to ctrl/cmd+return. Posting to blockchain is a bit different scenarios than instant messaging.
2445d · memo
@modulus if replies and reposts are the same action, you need to evaluate conditions to distinguish them
2445d · memo
@modulus if replies and reposts are
2445d · memo
@modulus, easy and straightforward to implement if replies and reposts have different prefixes
2445d · memo
@modulus, in microblogging it’s often useful to hide replies that are towards people you do not follow as well
2445d · memo
What’s wrong with the idea of a separate action to indicate reposts, afterwards?
2445d · memo
@modulus Treating specific “replies” as “reposts” is an “exception” to definition of a “reply”. Why creating some strange logical constructions if there is a straightforward solution?
2446d · memo
@modulus of course it does, or otherwise how would implementations know it is a repost and not an original post?
2447d · memo
If a lot of users tagged a post as "offensive" it can be greyed out or even put into a virtual litter bin. A litter bit can always be audited, in extreme cases by independent blockchain explorers.
2447d · memo
Ultimately, a tip can be included into a tag, so that you can not only like, buy also 🔥 for example. Some tags can inform the contents is offensive, as another example.
2447d · memo
@Maladey on blockchain. Similar to "like" you can "tag" a post. Tags can be displayed once they are broadcasted, so other users can tap onto a tag and confirm it, increasing tag's strength.
2447d · memo
@sherrykochmail, as a side effect of categorisation we will be able to tag posts with emojis akin to slack, which is the most important functionality out there 🤩
2447d · NSFW
@RoyalTiffany how do you feel when you receive 100% of your tips? :)
2447d · memo
@RoyalTiffany we need a general framework to tag memo posts by any user if post creator forgot to include a NSFW or other tag. Users can endorse any existing tag (similar to "like") or propose new.
2447d · memo
From developers side, there needs to be local Namecoin explorer running to broadcast transactions and map memo public keys to namecoin public keys, and retrieve->display names if match found.
2447d · memo
From users side, they only need to register a name in Namecoin (two transactions, dime each) using they same private key as they use on Memo. Can be fully automated under the hood.
2447d · memo
I believe Namecoin can solve the issue for Memo. Names can be registered within our own namespace e.g. me/memouser and if assigned to the same key as memo profile, they are displayed her in the UI
2447d · Atomic swaps
"The second signer can't release one without releasing the other." https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1790.msg28917#msg28917 satoshi
2447d · Atomic swaps
"The two parties would set up transactions on both sides such that when they both sign the transactions, the second signer's signature triggers the release of both."
2447d · Send a message to the future
Bushel of wheat costs 581,400 satoshis (BCH) today
2447d · Send a message to the future
Bushel of wheat costs 581,400 satoshis today
2447d · #MountMemo 2018 ⛰️
Electron Cash is mostly desktop (https://electroncash.org), supports Android though, and soon iOS www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/8r6w99/electron_cash_ios_still_open_for_beta_testing
2447d · solitude-betroom
satoshi is the best unit imo
Reply if you have been into this space prior to 2013 i.e. 2009-2012. Just curious how many Bitcoin early adopters are as well Memo early adopters.