
Joined Apr 24, 2018

“Divide and rule, the politician cries; Unite and lead, is watchword of the wise.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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2211d · Direct/Private Messages
So the op return, aside from memo protocol data, will have one pushdata for ephemeral key and one for masked url.
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
The ephemeral key can only be derived by two parties. That’s way, third party adversary can’t tell for sure whom users is replying.
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
The URL in OP_RETURN can be XOR’ed with shared secret. Prior to URL there can be ephemeral public key (derived from shared secret as well).
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
There can be more advanced schemes such as ECIES as used in BitMessages, but I believe we can start from something more simple.
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
The shared secret can then be used to derive a key for simmetric encryption. The authentication can be done using ECDSA signatures just as in bitcoin.
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
You cannot encrypt with ec public key alone, but you can derive a shared secret using a combination of addressee public key and your private key.
2211d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
@DashCunning-banned maybe you can tell about MountMemo initiative on that Reddit thread as well? I don’t have an account there.
2211d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
#MountMemo⛰ with organized transactions towards eatBCH/eatBCH-SS is a better way to stress test bitcoin cash
2211d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
“If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.” https://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/mailman/bitcoin-list/?style=flat&viewmonth=200901
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
The shared secret can be hashed for additional security (like in BIP47 protocol).
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
To do ECDH you use your memo private key, and addressee’s memo public key. The tip is anti-spam measure — addressee can filter messages that does not satisfy min requirement.
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman -> Shared Secret, tx to memo address with tip and xor’ed url In op_retirn to txt file with encrypted and signed message.
2212d · memo
@modulus, yeah repeat that both of us don’t understand that idea again please. Like YOU TWO DONT UNDERSTAND, NEITHER OF YOU UNDERSTOOD etc.
2212d · memo
@modulus, doesn’t matter how complicated the actual condition is. It’s just a bad practice imo.
2212d · memo
Also, can we please disable “send by pressing return” and switch it to ctrl/cmd+return. Posting to blockchain is a bit different scenarios than instant messaging.
2212d · memo
@modulus if replies and reposts are the same action, you need to evaluate conditions to distinguish them
2212d · memo
@modulus if replies and reposts are
2212d · memo
@modulus, easy and straightforward to implement if replies and reposts have different prefixes
2212d · memo
@modulus, in microblogging it’s often useful to hide replies that are towards people you do not follow as well
2212d · memo
What’s wrong with the idea of a separate action to indicate reposts, afterwards?
2212d · memo
@modulus Treating specific “replies” as “reposts” is an “exception” to definition of a “reply”. Why creating some strange logical constructions if there is a straightforward solution?
replied 2213d
1. Import you Block Press Private Key into Electron Cash wallet, 2. Copy your Memo address. 3. From Electron Cash, make a transaction to your Memo address
2213d · memo
@modulus of course it does, or otherwise how would implementations know it is a repost and not an original post?
replied 2213d
That said, you name is only unique in terms of unicode. We can very easily create a framework that will help in distinguishing "perceived uniqueness".