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saved 1234d
Okay, that does not change Hitler was a far right fascist. This is why you calling me a Nazi is so incredulous because you can’t argue on the actual policy substance.
This is my problem, you talk about politics without talking about policy.
saved 1234d
Who dat???
saved 1234d
I’m Rick James 😳
saved 1234d
Is MLK just like Hitler?
They’re both “socialists” after all.
Just answer the question.
It wasn’t a trap, it’s a stupid game right wingers play when they can’t argue on policy.
That’s why I say libertarians aren’t smart, because they aren’t.
saved 1234d
Awwww lil crybaby, gonna piss your pants?
First you come after me calling me names but when I punch back you get offended
Stop being a little piss baby
saved 1234d
No, it really wasn’t, it was a far right fascist party. Their actions and policy implementations are evidence of that. You are all being ignorant of the actual history.
saved 1234d
MLK is literally Hitler 😳
They’re both SOCIALISTS after all
No, my anger is due to the lack of nuance in his arguments. It takes a literal brainlet of human to remove nuance from complicated discussions.
saved 1234d
You literally said Nazis were socialist because their name was National Socialist.
ANTIFA literally means Anti-Fascists ergo under your argument ANTIFA cannot by definition be Fascists.
That’s why you sound so silly to me. You lack nuance.
saved 1234d
MLK is literally Hitler now, would you agree?
What part of what’s on paper is irrelevant to their actions do you not understand?
This is why I say libertarians are mostly uneducated because they lack nuance in any form of argumentation.
saved 1234d
I’m not retreating, I’m saying your comment so legitimately idiotic that words escape me from being nice.
MLK, Gandhi, Albert Einstein were all socialists would you lump them in with Hitler?
How do you not understand my anger with your ignorance?
saved 1234d
What part of what is written on paper is irrelevant to their actions do you not understand?
Biden said healthcare is a human right while at the same time preventing Medicare for All from passing.
You are being a brainlet right now.
saved 1234d
Would you agree with me ANTIFA is Anti-Fascist? After all ANTIFA literally means anti-fascist.
They weren’t socialists because none of their actual actions were socialists. They privatized almost every industry. This is what you don’t understand.
saved 1234d
I feel like I am talking to incredibly uneducated and ignorant people on this platform who have a bastardized view of history. Calling Hitler a socialist—Jesus Christ, that is the most uneducated take on the planet.
What was on paper was not their actions
saved 1234d
Everyone keeps making that claim because the claim is valid. Hitler privatized almost every industry—that’s not socialism. He joined the corporations to the state, that is fascism, not socialism.
And if he hated Marxism then clearly he wasn’t a socialist.
saved 1234d
If you think the Nazis were socialists and not a far right fascist party you are literally too ignorant of history to speak about the history.
Just cause their name is National Socialists does not mean their actions were socialist.
saved 1234d
Nope, no concern because I’m not a hack. Not all policy is bad policy regardless of the source.
“A broken clock is right twice a day.”
Also the Nazis were a far right fascist party, not socialist—they killed the actual socialist and communists ie ANTIFA
saved 1234d
My comment was legitimately funny tho
saved 1234d
Homie legit said fuck BLM and threw out All Live Matter slogan which is a racist slogan used by white people to undermine BLM.
That is hiding your true intentions otherwise you wouldn’t say All Lives Matter.
saved 1234d
A lot of those sound like sound policy goals except the punish with death.
You don’t think war profiteering should be illegal?
You don’t think there should be an abolition of taxes on land?
You don’t think all citizens should have equal rights?
saved 1234d
Racist ✅
Homophobe ✅
Just take the mask off bro, you’re not smart enough to hide your true thoughts and opinions—just like every other libertarian
saved 1234d
I’m on it chief, I also want her toes in my mouth
saved 1234d
You guys called me names, it has nothing to do with your beliefs
At least be honest about why I called you mean and unfun
It has nothing to do with your beliefs but the name calling of soy, and commie
Stop being intellectually dishonest
It’s hacky af
saved 1234d
What part of history doesn't repeat, it rhymes did you not understand?
Are you too ignorant to understand the significance of the Beer Hall Putsch and how it is relevant to events that occurred on January 6th?
saved 1234d
Society: Why can’t we have people that are kind and generous and not wicked
Someone having the characteristics of being kind and generous and not wicked
Also society : Bullies them
saved 1234d
Satoji got them moves, I'd dance with him