Joined Jul 15, 2018

Separation of currency and state.

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2116d · #911Truth
I already did provide video evidence. Its further up. Thoroughly debunked the truthers claims on all three towers, the Pentagon, and flight 97. Truthers like to hide the evidence.
2117d · Bitcoin SV
replied 2117d
Personally I think the take the new testament had on slavery shows that the bible is not a source for morality. If anything people have morals despite being Christian, not because.
replied 2117d
I've already explained that one many times. It was hit by a huge chuck of twin tower wall. It was gutted on one side. WTC7 was easily explained.
replied 2122d
I find most complaints about the media are about the media not confirming their biases. Obviously we have bad media, just not as bad as some claim is all I mean.
replied 2122d
Had it just been a volcano or the scientists would have known. They can easily account for local melt in one area. No scientists hide information.
replied 2122d
How do you think heat moves through solid objects? Thermal conduction would have the heat melt the ice where it is hot. It wouldnt melt it far away from the heat source.
replied 2122d
Why would you assume that? The media is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, and there are good government jobs.
2123d · Educational
Why does the image of a black hole always appear the way it does?
2123d · global warming
Wow, that Oorta is retarded. Thanks for posting the tweets to dumbasses so we can go back and respond to their bad ideas.
2124d · Educational
Social media manipulation is an interesting topic. Very relevant to memo.
replied 2125d
Their motivation was probably more about liable. You can make public figures look bad, but regular people can sue. Morning people say crazy shit sometimes.
replied 2125d
There was no science involved. Just crazy Alex making shit up.
replied 2125d
Hardly insane. We know they do it, and our nations likely do it in their nations as well.
replied 2125d
Can you think of something they have lied about? They seem one of the more reliable news organizations based in the USA.
2125d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
I would rather see the immigrants shoot and kill border enforcement.
2125d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
Great examples of how nations should have no control over who comes and goes.
replied 2126d
No... even when CNN has some bias they are not like Alex who makes up crazy shit.
2127d · Tesla
How does the competitors of Tesla stand up when compared?
replied 2129d
A 4 door family sedan that can compare to and out perform muscle cars and sports cars is a piece of shit to you? Not to mention they hold their value better, and cost less to run.
replied 2130d
Yeah, if anything it would be a set of traits that some men exhibit more than others, and may vary over time.
2131d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Wow, you must be a bitch boy if you think Muslim men are alpha. A lot of them live where I do, and that couldn't be further from the truth.
2132d · Educational
This is rather important for people to understand.
replied 2132d
replied 2133d
Funny, because you have not shown you are able to do that. You seem confused about what I am actually sayig most of the time. You can't get the strawman out of your head.