Joined Jul 15, 2018

Separation of currency and state.

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replied 1876d
Oh, now you pretend biology is involved. You understand biology about as much as an anti-vaxxer would be my guess.
replied 1877d
Assaulting a pregnant woman would be the crime, not a property crime. The discussion centers on the woman who has the baby inside her more than the baby itself.
replied 1877d
Oh true, it is a vague line. It has nothing to do with personhood though. My only issue is the man involved has no say on the issue. Je should also have a choice about parenthood.
replied 1877d
Not a crime, and victimless is not brought up as it is irrelevant.

If a person would die unless connected to your circulatory system you should not be forced to have them connected.
replied 1877d
Watching the video didn't help your position.
replied 1877d
We will never see a Muslim majority with how few there are, so again you are being a big pushy over nothing.
replied 1878d
Honestly the best I can tell is that people have made it look as if a group of Muslim immigrants suddenly sprung up a no go zone in an area that was already bad before all this.
replied 1878d
Show what you mean by "no go zone."
1879d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Also it seems you never had a problem with globalism so much as you had a problem with immigration. It seems you confused globalism with immigration.
1879d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
I know a girl who moved here, and then was able to divorce her husband and leave Islam
1879d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
replied 1880d
Voter fraud has never been a significant issue. The important issues are district gerrymandering, and restricting voters from voting.
replied 1880d
Reading books is likely what lead to his opinion. His opinion seems to fit the evidence.
replied 1880d
That I can understand. The system itself can always be debated. As a Canadian I am use to everything being taxed. It can be a tricky system to get right.
replied 1880d
So if making up to say $80K gets taxed at one rate, only the small bit on top of that $80K gets taxed at the higher rate.
sent · 10,000 sats 1882d
Come back to us!
replied 1882d
Not really a problem. It is better to bot try to use the blockchain as a storage medium.
1882d · Bitcoin SV
Actually CSW disnt understand how to have a hashwar, and that is why he accdiently forked right away. CSW lacks a fundamental understanding of Bitcoin.
replied 1882d
Yet he is no good with Bitcoin. He has no good ideas. He lacks an understanding of how Bitcoin works. That is why he accdiently created a fork.
replied 1883d
That said, math is one of my strengths. Is it yours?
replied 1883d
Well, they dont actually. Not in the way you say it. That said lots of religious groups push for stupid laws. Christian's are no different.
replied 1883d
You seem like the beta Male the way you feel the need to defend your status.
1883d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Alpha men are not bitching because they are doing fine, as always. Some whinny bitches cry about the situation.
1884d · Educational
If a shark is a fish, then so are humans...
1884d · Dungeons and Dragons
I hope so.