
Joined Jun 27, 2018

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2272d · Favorite Quotes
well well well...
Bitcoin is BitcoinSV. Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin Cash.
replied 2295d
Why do you say "Lock the protocol have no chance to win"? Internet protocol has been locked now for 30 years.
created poll 2297d
In the case that Memo only supports one chain, which chain do you prefer?
BCH 47 votes · 9,563 satoshis
BSV 52 votes · 15,267 satoshis


replied 2303d
I think McAfee, just like CSW, is a toxic ego for crypto.
replied 2296d
Jihan wants more coins as he sells miners. They don't have to be profitable, people just need to believe they can be. He does not care about Bitcoin. He will not join forces with CSW.
replied 2296d
Remind me in 18 months lol. It’s on! Love competion. Breeds the best product
2296d · Bitcoin Cash
There is no split - send some BCH from one address to another and see what happens 87f69ae1b338f593a8fb7e344b6fd0560047775c9f4b3e01bc8eaa841a2f9482
2296d · Bitcoin Cash
Can't wait to see the consequences for these exchanges choosing a side
replied 2296d
Ur assuming BTC hash has lasting interest in ABC. Remember, that hash has only been on ABC for 1 wk. Each wk of fight, BTC drops 1k. They likely hold BTC so they see their $$$ tank.
voted in poll 2297d

In the case that Memo only supports one chain, which chain do you prefer?


BSV is the only smart choice
replied 2297d
Sk8eM dUb
At this point is ABC just delaying the inevitable? Or is there a chance ABC can win this without replay protection?
replied 2298d
You mean like the Segwit-esque Mal-Fix in AmauryBitmainCoin's ACTUAL roadmap? Christ some people huh?
replied 2298d
The only ticker i want for BCH is its real ticker...BTC :-)
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2298d
replied 2299d
There is no such thing as spam. If you pay for your TX, it is legit.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2299d
Are you a robot? Seriously asking.
replied 2299d
I am Satoshi
“Starving the beast” doesn’t seem to be very effective https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_debt_of_the_United_States
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2299d
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2300d
If SV were giving up they'd turn their miners off and quit wasting money. They're re-orging the ABC chain, 100% fact.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2300d
The fact that you're responding so vitriolically makes it look like you are afraid. If you're so sure of yourself you'd be able to ignore me.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2300d
I'd take you up on the challenge if it wasn't so easy to cheat with an AI. It doesn't matter though, your stupidity is obvious enough for posterity to observe.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2300d
the first casualty of war is truth
담대한 실험으로 시작한 비트코인은 기업가들의 돈놀이로 끝이 나고 있다.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2300d
I got news for you, both these coins are going to near zero. Probably a good strategy to sell both and wait to see who still has hashing power on their coin in a few weeks.