Ordering doesn't need to be on-chain. Look at plants, arbitrary ordering is done by the flowers and leaves, not the roots. Relay nodes need to be paid to do the heavy ordering.
Let me repeat, there will be NO massive adoption of Bitcoin as money until the price swings are within a small range year to year. It will be a commodity ledger first, or it will die.
Anytime it enjoys some uptick, they will split the chain and kill the momentum. They have no defined vision or definite roadmap.
Shame for the FUD, trolls and general disinformation on both sides. This isn't competition, this is highschool-level bullying. I want BCH to work as a whole not constantly divided.
Satoshis Vision is itself just a meaningless slogan. CSW pretends he is Satoshi. People crying about bi blocks vs small blocks, and pretending this is another of those.
SV means Bitcoin v0.1 as originally intended. Nothing to do with block size because that was never a permanent issue. Not that hard to understand.
So many fucking shills. Within 10 days the BCH has become beyond toxic and I hate that word. Why cant why let technology speak for itself instead of cunts like CSW et al. #SayNoToPersonalities
I stand on neither side as I'm disgusted by both tactics. I stand for only the original Bitcoin Cash which is the original Bitcoin. Fuck the drama and shame on this community, fucking shame :(
Shame on what? Only one side broke faith by setting checkpoints. This is how Bitcoin should work, competitively.
SV = BS. They're the same player attacking the middle from both ends - both lead to destroying Bitcoin or at least a permissioned solution - BS wants an off-chain CRipple, SV wants an on-chain permissioned bank.
Your champion bent the knee to BS. That will not be forgiven. Zero or replay protection surrender are your only options. Your salt is tasty.
Or they really don’t understand Bitcoin in principle.
I suspect it's very much both. That's why I'm for more privacy, but still accountability, so it needs to be economic incentive, not identity except at second level.
I'd do BSV but Finex doesn't have leverage on it for obvious reasons. Fortunately I can hold SV and use it for leveraging other things, and Ripple has a habit of doing stupid things.
It's funny, but BSV could support the original Ripple concept before it was acquired by Ripple Labs, Inc.
It's looking really dead-cat-bouncy. I think we might get a week or two of lay person curiosity bump before more blood. Naturally, I'm taking a long on Ripple.
ABC only needs to replay protect its chain and Bitmain can happily go back to mining BTC secure in the knowledge that altcoins will spread like STDs and they can keep selling shovels. It's so easy.
This is part of "Blockstream's Vision" propaganda that is inconsistent. Prof Faustus claims the Bitcoin script is Turing complete which includes gambling - not that it matters anyway.
Ridiculous assertion. It's like saying a flintlock is an assault rifle. That's why we have juries and judges to determine intent and spirit of law.