larger govs (ie tribes, city-states, then states, nations) have not reduced corruption/abuses of power. Why would yet another, larger gov “hold ppl” to anything?
I dont think reducing corruption is their main goal. I think a bit of corruption is inevitable, and I accept it.
I mostly want a global constitution that all nations are held to.
I love my girlfriend and I hope to be with her forever. It's a lot to ask of a girl and a guy, but maybe such a simulation of permanence is possible in this impermanent universe. This is my message to you, Michelle.
How do you plan to transverse death together when you become pure energy?
How do you plan to transverse death together when you become pure energy?
Perhaps some part of your SP will always be connected through energies. Perhaps your energy with your SP has always been connected through many lifetimes past and future.
How do you plan to transverse death together when you become pure energy?
This may be why sometimes when you meet someone special, it seems as if you have “known them for your entire life”. It is possible that you have known them in many lives.
Inspired by @Calm_down_stupid's post
This is a #test for the Android app, thx✌️
5000 sats to @yoonski
Keep the numbers coming!
Hahaha oops I guess I should have checked if there was already a winner declared before throwing my number into the hat. Thanks for the fun anyways though ☺️
HOW are any of those held to anything? What holds anyone to any constitution?
The current one is disregarded. Not that it matters, since it embeds theft, calling it taxation.
Setting aside the absurdity of seeing taxation as theft, the constitution is being observed. Maybe not by your interpretation, but that just shows the importance of interpretation.
I'm keeping an eye on the senate vote. Briefly turned the volume up to hear what Schumer was saying and heard at least 3 hypocritical statements in less than ten seconds. Impressive actually.
Good call. A feature like Steam's "previous aliases" would prove very useful.
Add a little dropdown next to their username on their profile that lists the last 5 names they've used.
Also, just realized that if you are looking at old posts, it should say their current name but in parentheses (Posted as ZZZ) where ZZZ is their name at the time.
It'd be great if there was a sort option on the profile page for "Recent Actions", lots of old accounts coming back and lots of new accounts having done nothing.
This should happen on the 'keiser report' show, he is not talking about the split & BCH nearly enough. Will see if this november's fork drama will force him into the topic of BCH.
In truth, however, the film does nothing to convince me that Donald Trump is yet another self-serving individual with too much power. But, Bannon sure is good at this game.
I assume almost everyone is self serving, that is no problem - as you say it is the amount of power any one individual or group have that is the problem (my interpretation).